Posts: 1040
Location: Stevens Point, WI | Ok, I have my SD card in my unit, I have trails and waypoints I want to save.
To save, you go to menu, system setup, data transfer correct? That's what I did and was able to save stuff.
However, my question is, when I get another new trail, do I have to overwrite everything or do I need to just save trail 2 somehow? | |
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Posts: 921
Location: Manitowoc, WI | TJ, just pop the card back in and save it all over again. It doesn't take long and will iensure everything gets saved. | |
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Posts: 2393
Location: Waukesha Wisconsin | TJ: Not sure where you are in the process, your learning curve or how long you have had the unit BUT here is my take. Start saving your waypoints, trails and icons per lake and date. That is, if you fish more than one lake. Let's say that you fish Green Bay and Bago. I recommend that you save your data just like you described but name the data GB7408 and Bago7408. I'd hate for you to loose all data if something happens or fill your unit during an important trip or tournament. This happened to me a number of years ago and I learned my lesson the hard way. It took hours and hours on the computer to get files made for separate lakes. Now when I get to a lake, I erase all previous data or save as a new name and date then erase all. The next step is to load you data for that lake and you are ready to go. Remember that the process that you describe does not remove icons. That is a separate step I believe. (going by memory without unit in front of me) IMHO, I hate Lowrance MapCreate to manipulate data on my computer. I use Navionics NavPlanner instead. For those trying to put their files into a manageable system, I have not found an easy fix and suggest that you start early. If you have all of your data on one file, you need to: - copy and save data to your computer using a software program like NavPlanner or map create.
- Let's say you want a file for Bago. You must manually delete all other waypoints and icons from all other lakes.
- Save remaining data as a file called bago and date.
- Now bring up your original saved file and do the same for Green Bay and save.
hope this makes sense, | |
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Posts: 3899
| Yup, Dennis. Been doing that since 02 when I got my X15. Got a pretty decent library of data. I can load one year for a lake, or several years worth of data for that lake.
I used MapCreate, but I lost the disc's, so have been using GDM. A bit harder to do without the background map, but I found that I can sort by date, and that helps. I'll look into NavPlanner. How much is that? | |
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Posts: 86
| TJ,
"However, my question is, when I get another new trail, do I have to overwrite everything or do I need to just save trail 2 somehow?"
If you start a new trail after saving your data and the new trail is named Trail 2 and when you save your data again you will have no problem. The new data file will have both trails saved. When I save my data, I name it by date. When you save data again name it the new date and this is your current backup data file (waypoints, routes, trails, and icons).
If you load a Lowrance data files on your GPS that has waypoints and trails you will get duplicates even if they are the same name and if each file has a trail named Trail 1 you will have 2 Trail 1 trails. Or you might have 2 Waypoint 006 names located at different spots on the lake. If you name them by date you have a good filing system for current data files and if you ever load your data to your GPS by mistake and duplicate all your waypoints (this is a serious problem) you can delete all the data and re-load the current data file. I did this once and deleting one at a time and I have made sure it won’t happen again..
Remember that the active trail is active and the beginning is removed as you add more points after you reach your trail data point limit (factory default is 2000 points). If you have a trail you want to save you must save it by “starting a new trail”.
This is for you guys that work with waypoints on the computer and sort them. The best waypoint management program I use is Fugawi. It has folders for waypoints. You can select 1-50 waypoints using the Shift or CTRL buttons and drag them to a new folder or delete a bunch in one swoop.
I wish I knew this when I sorted my waypopints by lakes years ago like Dennis does. Dennis's system is great because sooner or later we ill have more waypoints than Lowrance allows (1000). | |