warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts
Posted 8/7/2008 12:53 PM (#72288)
Subject: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts

OK which is best boat for my use? I fish Walleye on the Great lakes, Winnebago and Salmon on Michigan. I do like to contour troll breaks and reefs on bago and the bay. lots of structure trolling. How are boats for the ride and fish ability? How do they troll? How do they ride in rough water, by rough your standard 2-3 footers on the bay and bago. Anything over that I'd have to buy a Ranger cause I know you can go wide open on 4-5 footers just ask any Ranger guy...lol Any other suggestions would be appreciated....
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Posted 8/17/2008 5:06 PM (#72612 - in reply to #72288)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts


Posts: 21

I fish the exact same waters for the same fish you do. I've got a Crestliner 202 and love it. It will do anything any other boat will at any price. With all of the trolling you do, I think you'd really be better off with a console and a 9.9 kicker vs. a tiller. Just too much going on in the back of the boat to be steering from there too. I had a 18 foot Alumacraft w/ a 75HP tiller and loved that boat too. But for trolling, a console is the way to go, especialy on bigger water. Having said that a glass boat does deliver a better ride that a aluminum boat, but not THAT much.
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empty net
Posted 8/19/2008 6:02 PM (#72721 - in reply to #72288)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts

check out tuffy boats new x-190 tiller. 19'4" and all kinds of storage.

we have one in stock and are going to put suzuki's new 90hp motor on it. that motor only weighs 352 pounds! lighter than most 2 strokes. also call me up for pricing, you might be surprised how close it is to aluminum. doug at 308-379-1144
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Posted 8/20/2008 7:52 AM (#72736 - in reply to #72721)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts


Posts: 3899

X-190 isn'r really the right Tuffy for Bago, The Great Lakes, or even Salmon fishing. The 1890 or 2060 are better suited to what Cranky is looking for.
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empty net
Posted 8/21/2008 9:16 AM (#72769 - in reply to #72736)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts

I have been in a warrior 1890 many times, and can tell you the tuffy x-190 will do anything and better. than that boat. I am not cutting either of those boats, but the reader did mention he wanted a tiller, and from what i have experienced, the tuffy 190 will definitly compete for top honors. You are right, a 2060 will be a bigger boat , but many of my friends have even ran 18 foot tillers out there with no problems.
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empty net
Posted 8/21/2008 9:20 AM (#72770 - in reply to #72769)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts

I would agree for large troling situations, a full windshield boat would take top prize for me because i hate the wind. but tillers sure are nice for room and controlled drift and jig situations
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Posted 8/27/2008 2:20 AM (#72964 - in reply to #72288)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts

Well guys I went from a Triton 205 witha 225 hanging off the back to a Sylvain 15' with a 25 HP tiller hanging off the back. Yes I do fish the same bodies of water with it helluva good time running 7 rods of that baby on michigan for silver fish.... I'm not a big fan of tuffy no offense to Tuffy just dont' think it witll hold up to what I fish. I've heard very good things Crestliner and good service. Warrior also. just like that lil tiller I got and was wondering if I should stay with that only bigger. Crestliner 202 cause it's in my price range.
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Posted 8/28/2008 3:51 PM (#73015 - in reply to #72964)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts


Posts: 3899

You don't THINK Tuffy won't hold up to what you fish? Please provide some basis for this statement. A tuffy will surely hold up to anything a welded aluminum boat will. Can you even get a C'Liner in a tiller? Or the Warrior, too. There's a couple guides on here that have 2060 tillers, and love them. Another muskie guide in Madison has an 1890 tiller, and also loves that boat.
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empty net
Posted 8/28/2008 5:38 PM (#73018 - in reply to #72964)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts

Cranky - 8/27/2008 2:20 AM

Well guys I went from a Triton 205 witha 225 hanging off the back to a Sylvain 15' with a 25 HP tiller hanging off the back. Yes I do fish the same bodies of water with it helluva good time running 7 rods of that baby on michigan for silver fish.... I'm not a big fan of tuffy no offense to Tuffy just dont' think it witll hold up to what I fish. I've heard very good things Crestliner and good service. Warrior also. just like that lil tiller I got and was wondering if I should stay with that only bigger. Crestliner 202 cause it's in my price range.

I can tell you that the service from crestliner has dropped considerably since brunswick took over. my friend had a 2007 fishhawk that the transom rotted out and crestliner tried to do nothing about it they said no warranty what a crock!
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Posted 8/29/2008 8:01 AM (#73025 - in reply to #73018)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts


Posts: 3899

Sounds like an installation problem by whoever rigged the motor. Or mounted the transducer or possibly the paddle wheel. If the rigger doesn't seal the bolt holes, and water gets in to rot the transom, how is that C'Liner's fault?
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steve l
Posted 9/7/2008 6:02 PM (#73217 - in reply to #73025)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts


Posts: 46

In regards to Crestliner warranties, I bought a new 96 Fishhawk in 99(leftover) and in the last 2 years the floor rotted out. Crestliner sent a complete new floor and both upper decks to my dealer at no cost to me and paid for all labor. This is a 12 model year old boat. Not bad!
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Steve Fellegy
Posted 9/9/2008 7:01 AM (#73247 - in reply to #72288)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts


Posts: 150

Location: mille lacs, mn.
"lots of structure trolling" you say?

There is no way a windshield boat will out perform a tiller boat, foward or backward, following structure in any conditions at any speed. Yes, the windshield boat can do it fine...but with more work and frustration. When you put a kicker in charge, with a smaller prop that is off center, add a little breeze...it becomes a chore. If you use the big engine in charge, to troll with the wheel in one hand and the throttle in the other...it becomes a chore--to follow structure--all compared to the big tiller which has the big prop in the center and the steering/throttle in ONE hand with instant boat reaction when you need it most.

Feel free to call and discuss all the various aspects of both designs relating to all fishing scenarios.

And don't under estimate that Tuffy! No basis for concern.
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Jason Erlandson
Posted 9/10/2008 5:26 PM (#73310 - in reply to #72288)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts

I agree with Steve on this one. Tillers will be much easier to handle, even in trolling situations. The layout of the 202 is nice but if you are considerring fishing some bigger waters I highly recommend going with a fiberglass boat like a Warrior. The Warrior offers a much smoother and softer ride when compared to the 202. I think you would be very happy with the 1890.

Jason Erlandson
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Posted 9/16/2008 9:59 AM (#73458 - in reply to #72288)
Subject: Re: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts


Posts: 344

Location: Manitowoc WI
Interesting to say the least, if you primarily fish big water you will be happier having a wheel. and more happier having glass.

i have a 1891, i feal it can handle anything practical, but if i could afford a bigger warrior i would.
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Posted 9/16/2008 8:50 PM (#73476 - in reply to #72288)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts

lund 2010, enuff said
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Posted 9/16/2008 10:12 PM (#73478 - in reply to #72288)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts

My upgrade on a boat is going to half to wait a couple of years. Just bought a Harley. Thanks for all the info. I'll get back to this in a couple of years.
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Posted 9/17/2008 5:39 PM (#73494 - in reply to #72288)
Subject: Re: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts

Location: Rhinelander
How do you fish from a Harley? Gives a whole new definition to the concept of 'trolling'.
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Posted 9/18/2008 7:26 PM (#73523 - in reply to #72288)
Subject: RE: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts

Funny u should ask, my buddy wheat asked the same question....I figure some 55 gallon drums Chromed with a a few chromed rod holders should do the trick.
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Rich S
Posted 9/24/2008 12:30 PM (#73726 - in reply to #72288)
Subject: Re: warrior1890BT vs crestliner 202ts


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
Great choice Cranky, I just did the same thing only my motorcycle burns rice. Let me know if you are ever up for a ride.
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