New Johnson 9.9
Posted 10/11/2008 8:32 AM (#74107)
Subject: New Johnson 9.9

What can I expect to pay for a new 9.9 4 stroke kicker for my 620 ranger and who would have the best price.
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Posted 10/11/2008 8:09 PM (#74111 - in reply to #74107)
Subject: RE: New Johnson 9.9

Id recommend a pro-kicker or T8

no panther lift needed.

2-3K when said and done for a new one..

used T8's go for 1-2k
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Posted 10/21/2008 2:06 PM (#74276 - in reply to #74107)
Subject: RE: New Johnson 9.9

Cabelas has them on close out right now.. 1799.00
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Posted 10/22/2008 9:08 AM (#74287 - in reply to #74276)
Subject: RE: New Johnson 9.9


Posts: 3899

Do you have a kicker now? If so, assume it is on a Panther lift? Is the panther lift in good working order? If so, then you don't necessarily need a ProKicker or T8 with the power tilt. But I would suggest a Merc 9.9 Big Foot or whatever Yamaha calls their high thrust model. These models have a more rugged mounting and lower unit, and lower gear ratio's to troll down slower. Plus, they run way better than the Johnzuki.
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