Posted 11/4/2008 1:27 PM (#74548)
Subject: 225 MERCURY OPTI

Looking for a 225 opti 2003 or newer for sale. anyone know of dealers that i can call?
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Posted 11/4/2008 2:24 PM (#74551 - in reply to #74548)
Subject: RE: 225 MERCURY OPTI


Posts: 3899

Where are you located?

Give Denny at Fort Fremont Marine a call.
Bob at Mr Marine in Fond du Lac.
Josh at The Boat Doc in Lomira
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Posted 11/5/2008 7:53 AM (#74565 - in reply to #74548)
Subject: RE: 225 MERCURY OPTI

There is a guy in Oshkosh WI Romey Zelhoffer that can get Mercury Outboards and sells them relitivly cheap.(call Romey's Bar in Oshkosh)
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Rich S
Posted 11/5/2008 8:34 AM (#74566 - in reply to #74548)
Subject: Re: 225 MERCURY OPTI


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
Mercury also has a remanufacturing division that rebuilds Opti's and give you a one year warranty. They are VERY reasonably priced. If the engines have over 100hrs they automatically put on a new powerhead. I am not sure if you can buy direct or if you have to go through a dealer.
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Posted 11/5/2008 9:44 AM (#74568 - in reply to #74551)
Subject: RE: 225 MERCURY OPTI

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