| Looking for suggestions on what I should buy to mount a 2002 Merc. 9.9 kicker on my Ranger 619. Static plate, Panther lift, etc. All suggestions are appreciated. Thanks | |
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| I was looking also on adding a transom mounted Minnkota to the back of my 08 620 maybe I also could get some ideas on how to do this.(The 620 did not come with the augzilary engine bracket on the transom)
Thanks,timm | |
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Posts: 3899
| Here's the issue with a motor not designed to be a kicker. If they don't have power tilt on them, you will break motor mounts and the holding brackets. Even with the Panther lifts, I've seen motor break off. They just weren't designed for holding up in big water year after year. That said, I think your best move would be sell that 9.9 and buy a new ProKicker and a ststic plate.
If you can't do that, then I suggest a Panther Lift, and a Pro Strap. Last option is to get the static plate, and use a 2X2 and rest the motor on it, and then tie it down with a ratchet strap. Either way, it is best if you have the motor cenetered when lifted up. When it is turned to the side, this is hard on the motor mount on that side, and they do break.
Panther makes a static plate for Rangers that you can use for the transom mount TM's. | |