Which transducer to buy?
Posted 2/7/2009 8:35 AM (#77483)
Subject: Which transducer to buy?

Location: Crystal Lake, IL
I've ordered a new HDS with the 83/200 'ducer. I've recently seen suggestions that a thru-hull option is better. It seems to me that anything between the transducer and bottom might degrade the signal. On the other hand, perhaps it may read better on plane, without any wash interference. Anyone have insight on this? I'm running a Tuffy tiller.
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Posted 2/7/2009 8:40 AM (#77484 - in reply to #77483)
Subject: RE: Which transducer to buy?

Location: Crystal Lake, IL
I meant to mention I ordered a transom mount!
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Posted 2/7/2009 9:07 AM (#77487 - in reply to #77483)
Subject: RE: Which transducer to buy?

you still can epoxy the transducer in the bottom of the boat (it is fiberglass right?) even the transom mount. Try using some silicone for a temperary run. If it works great, get yourself some ACE (acoustically condutive epoxy) from vexilar, it is made specifically for transducers. It may be the same as some other epoxys, but it is in a single use package, so if you are like me, you buy a big thing of epoxy, use it once, put it on the shelf and find it a year later as hard as a rock.
If you don't like the way the transducer works through the hull, try different places, or take it out all together and put it on the transom. I have owned two glass boats, one a bass boat and one deeper v. Both had shot through the hull 'ducers, and both worked great. One was made specifically to shoot through the hull, one was a transom mount. The shoot through was totally flat on the bottom which made it just a little easier to mount on the bottom of the boat.
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Posted 2/7/2009 12:25 PM (#77490 - in reply to #77483)
Subject: RE: Which transducer to buy?

Alta do your self a favor and hassle and just mount it on the rear of the boat and be done with it. the quality will be the same and save yourself some time and hassle
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Posted 2/7/2009 4:01 PM (#77491 - in reply to #77483)
Subject: Re: Which transducer to buy?

Location: Crystal Lake, IL
Thanks for the replies. After spending far too long debating whether to pull the trigger on a new unit, I think I've caught a case of analysis paralysis. On the transom it goes!
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