AYA Tournaments Green Lake & Hales Corner
Jim Coon
Posted 2/18/2009 2:35 PM (#77791)
Subject: AYA Tournaments Green Lake & Hales Corner


Posts: 499

Location: Appleton
TFM Promotions is excited about being involved and working with the AYA Angler Young Angler program in 2009.

TFM Promotions will be working MW Marine, Hales Corner, WI and Norton’s Dry Dock, Green Lake WI for their first AYA Angler Young Angler Fishing Tournament

MW Marine’s tournament will be Sunday June 28. This tournament will be held on Lake Negawicka, Hartland, WI. For more information contact Jim at [email protected]

Norton’s Dry Dock will be Saturday June 20, 2009. This tournament will be held on Green Lake, Green Lake, WI. For more information contact Jim at [email protected]

For more information on AYA tournaments visit their www.angleryoungangler

Listed below is a little background information;

The Angler & Young Angler Walleye Championship began in 1998 when Tournament Founder, Andrew Klopak (President of Lund Boats) decided he wanted to fish in a competitive style tournament on opening day with his son. Seeing that there were no tournaments that catered to adult and young anglers…he created his own.

The main objective is to introduce and educate young anglers to competitive sport fishing in a fun environment surrounded by family and friends while creating memories that will last a lifetime. Each team in the tournaments consists of one angler and two young anglers, (one youth is ok would prefer two) 17 and under. Each event includes official weigh-in, prizes, awards and BBQ to follow a hard day’s fishing. The winner of each regional event qualifies for the opportunity to participate in the National Championship. (TBD)

The success of the original Manitoba tournament has lead to the expansion into other provinces and the United States. The Angler & Young Angler Fishing Tournaments continues to grow with 24 events this year, as well as a National Championship.

Team entry fee for these tournaments is $150.00 per tournament.

Every Youth will have memories of his/hers first competitive Fishing tournament.

Every Youth will walk away with a grab bag full of Tackle, a Trophy, a T-Shirt, along with prizes for the highest placing teams. Last years prizes included Bicycles, CD players, players, camping equipment and etc.

A cookout and social time after the weigh in.

The Team with the heaviest bag will win a New 12 Foot Lund Boat, 4 horsepower Mercury Motor and Trailer. (MSRP $3,800.00) along with trophies and plaque’s for first place. The first place team will also receive an invite to participate in the National Championship (Location to be determined) along with $500.00 cash for travel allowance. There will be a Banquet and rules meeting for the Championship the night before along with breakfast the morning of the Championship. Each team will be supplied with a new Lund Boat powered by Mercury outboard and an accompanying chase boat that includes a Lund Pro Guide to assist throughout the day. Lunches, bait and life jackets are provided.
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