TJ DeVoe
Posted 3/1/2009 3:29 PM (#78165)
Subject: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 1040

Location: Stevens Point, WI
Rich S talks about his Drop-N-Stay with WalleyeFIRST.

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Posted 3/1/2009 5:00 PM (#78175 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: RE: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 54

Location: Shabbona
I can attest to this product it WORKS great for me.. I do alot of river fishing dropping anchor in heavy current is no longer a problem ...
Best money I spend.....
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Posted 3/2/2009 6:58 AM (#78183 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 874

Location: Neenah, WI
Yup, I agree. I've got 2 of them for my 20' Crestliner. Those anchors don't budge.
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Posted 3/2/2009 7:58 AM (#78185 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: RE: Drop-N-Stay

This is an awesome product. I have a duece and 2 drop-n-stay's. It is so much easier lifting my anchors and holding in rough waters. The great thing is you don't get the snot knocked out of you while anchored in rough water because of the stretch in the cord.
Great product Rich.
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eye lunker
Posted 3/2/2009 8:27 AM (#78189 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: RE: Drop-N-Stay

I agree what everyone says here i have a 2 drop and stays and they work great. I need to get a duece sometime soon. Rich are you going to be at any shows in town in near future? Other wise i know i can order on line .
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Posted 3/2/2009 8:38 AM (#78192 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: RE: Drop-N-Stay

Bought the double and single at the Madison show this weekend. Glad to see the continued good feedback...wish it wasn't going to be so long before I can actually try it out.
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Rich S
Posted 3/2/2009 8:50 AM (#78195 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
Thanks guys, I put a lot of time into getting this product right. The show was awesome and got to meet a ton of nice people. It was nice seeing some old friends from this site as well. We will be at the Ice Breaker in Winneconne in two weeks so be sure to stop in and say hi.

A special thanks to the guys here at Walleye First! The video is awesome and I really appreciate all you guys do. Keep up the good work!
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Rob T
Posted 3/2/2009 3:12 PM (#78211 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: RE: Drop-N-Stay

Hey Rich you have a awesome fishing partner. I want to see her on the video more than you. You do have a face for radio.
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Rich S
Posted 3/2/2009 3:25 PM (#78212 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
LOL, thanks bud. Pick on the fat guy why don't ya. It looks like I spent most of last year trolling

On Saturday we were running a special that had her removing a piece of clothing for every Drop-n-Stay sold and we did pretty good as it took a few hours for her to get naked.

On Sunday I started out naked and had a special that for every Drop-n-Stay sold I would put a piece of clothing on. We sold out in the first ten minutes.
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Posted 3/2/2009 3:27 PM (#78213 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 744

Believe me Rob, the Drop-n-Stay jokes run thick in the family...

Rich had to "drop" a bunch of money to get her to "stay" with him
Rich better "drop" some weight if he wants her to "stay" with him
She must have "dropped" her standards to "stay" with him
Chuck Norris could "drop" him and "stay" with her if he wanted...you get the picture.
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eye Lunker
Posted 3/2/2009 4:03 PM (#78214 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: RE: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 859

Location: Appleton wi
HaHa thats funny stuff thumper!
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Posted 3/4/2009 8:05 AM (#78316 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 185

Location: Port Washington, wisconsin
Rich, will you be at the Milwaukee sport show this weekend?
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Rich S
Posted 3/4/2009 9:19 AM (#78325 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
Jeff, we will not be at Milwaukee but I might be at the Green Bay show on Sunday possibly.
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Posted 3/4/2009 9:35 AM (#78331 - in reply to #78325)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 185

Location: Port Washington, wisconsin
Ok, thanks. I'll look at the online purchase then. Gots to have the deuce!
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Posted 3/4/2009 10:06 AM (#78334 - in reply to #78331)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 3899

Rich "dropped" one , and had to beg her to "Stay"
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Rich S
Posted 3/4/2009 10:50 AM (#78337 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
Sounds good Jeff, looking forward to hearing from you. Another nice thing about the Deuce (besides all the jokes) is that both 8' sections attach to the cleat in the middle. This allows you to use just one side of it as a extra long single as well.

Shep, I can't believe you dropped down to my brother's level. I expected more from you
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Posted 3/4/2009 11:01 AM (#78339 - in reply to #78334)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 219

Shep - 3/4/2009 10:06 AM Rich "dropped" one , and had to beg her to "Stay"

I guess that would explain the 'Doc'-n-Stay.

I picked up a pair of the Dock-n-Stays at the mad town show for dragging socks off the front cleats.  Can't wait to experiment with them.

(FYI, They both had clothes on while I was there)



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Posted 3/4/2009 11:28 AM (#78341 - in reply to #78337)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 3899

Rich S - 3/4/2009 10:50 AM

Shep, I can't believe you dropped down to my brother's level. I expected more from you :)

Sorry, must be carry over from fishing with him before the Merc last year. Boy, did we have fun at your expense!
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Rich S
Posted 3/4/2009 11:45 AM (#78344 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
I can only imagine...

As long as he did not give my secret Sluggo/wax worm pattern away I will let him live.

It was nice meeting you in person Randy. Let me know how the singles work for you!
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Posted 3/4/2009 12:34 PM (#78348 - in reply to #78337)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 185

Location: Port Washington, wisconsin
Rich, will the deuce item easily reach to the front of my lund with the bow mount up there? Would be using the cleats at 2 and 11 o'clock.
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Rich S
Posted 3/4/2009 1:20 PM (#78351 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
Yes sir. The early version was a bit shorter and would not make it around all the different style boats. I added some length and there has not been an issue since. If for any reason it does not fit or you would like it longer, I will get you the right one free of charge.

We will be getting some footage up on the website early this year of the Deuce in action. It is really neat to watch it work in big waves.

Custom models are available on request. The sky is the limit, just use your imaginiation. Let me know if you have any other questions.
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Posted 3/4/2009 2:02 PM (#78356 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: RE: Drop-N-Stay

New User

Posts: 3

I purchased the single and duece last year, and just think they are great. I never anchor without using one anymore.
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Rich S
Posted 3/4/2009 2:40 PM (#78360 - in reply to #78165)
Subject: Re: Drop-N-Stay


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
Glad to hear Perry! Also glad you joined our gang here at Walleye First.
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