| Currently seeking advise for convincing the Wyoming Game and Fish department to impliment a slot limit on walleye and changing the limit of 6 walleye any length per day per person. Seems to be an ongoing battle, the fisherman all want slot limits and lower creel limits applied and the Game and Fish will not budge on the issue. Any info would be nice to present to sway there opinion. |
| Interesting enough I'm from Wyoming and have heard the same complaints among fisherman all over the state. The general opinion I have come up with is that the WY G&F does not really have the walleye at the front of their agenda and that trout fisheries is their main concern, which is to bad considering that the economical effect of Walleye has been proven to be subsequently higher than trout. But none the less I don't have much for ideas to persuade the game and fish to change their current policies. They seem to think that all walleye fisheries are the same and find it impossible to manage each one seperately. You, I and the rest of the fisherman know this is wrong, but for some reason the G&F sees it differently. Leave it to the big government to try and screw this one up, maybe on the next bailout we can get a little cash to help stimulate the game and fish into walleye management after they have ruined the current walleye fisheries due to their lack of experience and knowledge of the subject. Seems to be the way lately  |
Posts: 625
Location: LaCrosse, WI | Guys,
Try to look up information on Petenwell and Castle Rock in Wisconsin. They implemented a slot on these two systems and have had pretty good results. I don't know where to find factual data, but those of us who have fished them many times are definately seeing the difference.
I hope you can find something helpful. I'd love to see a slot implemented on the Mississippi River. |
Posts: 1188
Location: Chicago IL. | There is a slot. I know the slot is working on the miss from pool 12 down. I have never seen so many nice fish as I seen in the last 3-4 years in 14. Also the closeing of the dams has the sauger rebounding nicely. |
Posts: 625
Location: LaCrosse, WI | You are correct John. I meant to say that I'd love to see a slot from pools 9-5 |
| Good luck with the WY Game & Fish, they are not open to the idea of a slot limit, for what ever reasons they may have. They work in other states but not in Wyoming? I will do some research and respond again, would like to see this go somewhere! |
New User
Posts: 1
| We are currently having a representative from the Wy Game and Fish Dept. attend a Rod and Gun meeting in Sundance. Hopefully these issues will be addressed and we don't get the lip service that we normaly get at these sort of things. I know the information that I receive at this meeting will be passed on to other fishing clubs so they can be more prepared to address the biologists with different questions. |
| I agree WY has several walleye fisheries that have great potential if only they were managed for walleye instead of trout or Northerns. My only suggestion is to come up with as much factual data from other states that have implemented slots and try to convince the G&F that it is the right thing to do. Most likely falling on deaf ears but that is where we all come in. The squeeky wheels get the grease so lets all get together, make some noise and see if we can make something happen. |