Oshkosh Ice Rescue or Not
Posted 3/26/2009 11:17 AM (#79451)
Subject: Oshkosh Ice Rescue or Not


Posts: 580

Location: Green Bay, WI
Did anyone see the story on Fox 11 about the guy they went out to rescue and then he sent them away?

He got out there by using some home made bridges. He was also mad because when they came out there they scared his fish away.

I've been getting the story second hand and haven't been able to find the story on the net.
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Posted 3/26/2009 1:09 PM (#79455 - in reply to #79451)
Subject: Re: Oshkosh Ice Rescue or Not


Posts: 744


In a related story, I called the ambulance for my brother yesterday...I thought he was having a heart attack or possibly choking on a chicken bone.

Then I realized...

He always looks like that. Sorry dude.
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Rich S
Posted 3/26/2009 1:21 PM (#79456 - in reply to #79451)
Subject: Re: Oshkosh Ice Rescue or Not


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
In another related story, Thumper has been hospitalized from the beat down I just gave him. I will keep you all posted on his progress but it is touch-and-go right now. You should start seeing him post again in six months or so.
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Posted 3/26/2009 1:36 PM (#79457 - in reply to #79456)
Subject: Re: Oshkosh Ice Rescue or Not


Posts: 744

Y'all can be the judge. I walked into his office and this is what I saw:

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Attachments richs.jpg (22KB - 106 downloads)
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Posted 3/26/2009 3:09 PM (#79463 - in reply to #79457)
Subject: Re: Oshkosh Ice Rescue or Not


Posts: 2567

Location: Manitowoc, WI
Funny picture.....

I saw the interview and I heard about it on the radio this morning. Somebody really screwed the pooch on this one. The guy was sitting on the ice jigging and the rescue personnel all came to him. He knew something wasn't right when he saw them coming towards him. He showed them that he was alright and that he didn't want to leave, so they had no choice but to leave him out there. He had three nice eyes when they did the interview with him.
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Posted 3/26/2009 4:32 PM (#79466 - in reply to #79451)
Subject: RE: Oshkosh Ice Rescue or Not

Now THAT is the BEST dang thing I have seen all day....Funny how I can actually see a resemblence and holy chit batman I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for brightening my day boys!

Good Luck

PS. by the way Rich I need a 12 footer!
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