Meeting of the Experimental Regs on Walleye &Sauger
Posted 12/2/2009 2:29 PM (#86952)
Subject: Meeting of the Experimental Regs on Walleye &Sauger


BELLEVUE, Iowa – The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is hosting three public meetings to discuss the current experimental walleye and sauger regulations on the Mississippi River and the proposed changes to those experimental regulations. The public meetings will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 1, in Davenport, Wednesday Dec. 2, in Dubuque, and Thursday Dec. 3, in Burlington.
Walleye and sauger anglers have been taking part in two experimental regulations over the past five years with the goal of reducing sauger mortality in the winter by closing tailwater fishing at three lock and dams, and increasing egg laying walleyes in the population with a 20 to 27-inch release slot on walleyes from Dubuque south to the Missouri border.
Iowa fisheries researchers have looked at the data to determine whether there has been an improvement in the size structure and catch rates of sauger and walleye in the special regulation areas and are presenting this information to the angling public.
“This is an opportunity for our anglers who support fisheries to give us some feedback on these regulations. We will go over the experimental walleye and sauger regulations and our rational for any changes and take comments from anyone willing to speak,” said Mike Steuck, Mississippi River fisheries research biologist. Research findings and public input will assist DNR Fisheries staff in decision making to continue, expand or change the regulation.
Any interested person may make written suggestions or comments on or before December 31, 2009. Written comments may be sent to Mike Steuck, Bellevue Fisheries Research Station, 24143 Hwy 52, Bellevue, IA 52031, or faxed to 563-872-5998.
The Iowa DNR Fisheries Bureau will have staff members present at each site to answer questions and to take any written comments.

Public Meeting Locations. All meetings are scheduled from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Davenport: Tuesday, Dec. 1, Davenport Library, 3000 N. Fairmont St. Davenport
Dubuque: Wednesday, Dec. 2, Swiss Valley Nature Center, 13606 Swiss Valley Rd. Peosta
Burlington: Thursday, Dec. 3, Starr’s Cave Nature Center, 11627 Starrs Cave Rd. Burlington

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Posted 12/2/2009 2:33 PM (#86953 - in reply to #86952)
Subject: RE: Meeting of the Experimental Regs on Walleye &Sauger

No Brainer-- "increasing egg laying walleyes in the population with a 20 to 27-inch release slot on walleyes" Why wouldn't we want a slot all the way up the river to the MINNESOTA border? Why not implement a plan to make the fishing even better with a cost that is nothing? In time it could turn into a world class fishery!!!!!!

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john mannerino
Posted 12/2/2009 6:24 PM (#86957 - in reply to #86952)
Subject: Re: Meeting of the Experimental Regs on Walleye &Sauger


Posts: 1188

Location: Chicago IL.
Your right, it is a no brainer!!!! For anybody that fishes these pools has seen a increase of walleye and more so sauger. I also would love to see it on the upper pools. Look what it has done in only 5 years. Pool 14 now a class fishery and only going to get better.
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