Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?
Posted 3/8/2010 10:41 PM (#88801)
Subject: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?

I would like to have the option of a couple of downriggers on my Ranger 620. I have the rear rails and was wondering if anyone had any tips on what kind of bracket to use. I see Cannon and Scotty both have one available.

Any input on either and possibly any pictures you would like to share?

Thanks in advance.
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Kgone unlogged
Posted 3/11/2010 9:20 AM (#88895 - in reply to #88801)
Subject: RE: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?

Don't do it!! You'll rip your rails right out of the glass and be left with big holes and alot of expensive glass work. Mount a 6 inch piece of track to your carpet in your rear corners to the right and left side of your livewell, throw a 6 inch riser with swivel in them and your good to go. Rails cannot support downriggers period. I had a friend completely rip off a rail off his 620 with just heavy aluminum rod holder right in the water they went while running.

if you want pics of my set up on my 621 email me at [email protected] I have ery heavy Vector electric riggers with 6 inch Cannon swivel bases in 6 inch Bert's tracks, sweet set up and works great. I run 15 pound balls and have fished in 4-6's on lake ontario and with the track through bolted this set up doesn't budge. A rail set up would have pulled out on the first trip.
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Posted 3/11/2010 11:16 AM (#88902 - in reply to #88801)
Subject: RE: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?


Posts: 219


Maybe one of these Runnin' Rod Racks could serve as the downrigger base mounting surface.  You would probably still need the risers that kgone was suggesting to get the boom over the gunnel. You can call (920) 948-5093 if you would like more details.

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Posted 3/12/2010 10:53 AM (#88947 - in reply to #88801)
Subject: RE: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?

Thanks for the tips guys! I really appreciate it. That custom upright rod holder deal is sweeeeet! What kind of insert is there where the handles go in?

Thanks for helping me not screw my rig up!
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Posted 3/13/2010 5:44 AM (#88962 - in reply to #88801)
Subject: RE: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?


Posts: 94

Location: Saginaw Bay
I have the same set up as Kygone....I'm even afraid to run dipseys off my rails...Don't mount to your rails.....Tom
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Posted 3/15/2010 8:42 AM (#88999 - in reply to #88962)
Subject: RE: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?


Posts: 3899

Because Ranger Rails are screwed in from the top, it would be a very expensive accident waiting to happen, if you used the Cannon, or any other rail adaptor. Not an issue on my Tuffy 1890, where the rails are bolted through the cap. I run the rail adaptors on my 1890, and the only thing I don't like, is they tilt out a bit.

About the only thing you can do is as suggested with the risers. Or build your own downrigger mounting system, like Mike Koepp did. Here's a link. Send him an e-mail, and he'll probably send a better pic.
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Posted 12/20/2011 1:55 PM (#101876 - in reply to #100216)
Subject: RE: Recommend personally an excellent carpet cleaner


Posts: 3899

WTF are you trying to say?
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Rich S
Posted 12/22/2011 8:58 AM (#101913 - in reply to #100216)
Subject: RE: Recommend personally an excellent carpet cleaner


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin

teariasam - 8/14/2011 5:35 AM Hi allThe spot I am just moving into can be a 2 bedroom One.5 shower townhouse throughout Lawndale. That it is very nice (yeah to the working hearth!), but the carpets and rugs tend to be previous. What is needed be replaced however due to present monetary times I question the landlord provides any fascination with doing in which for people. Thus, I have to use some good carpet cleaners into the future throughout and earn this seem spiffy. Any individual recognize a good floor covering solution? I'm, not necessarily searching for a Do it yourself work in fact something into the future throughout and fix it.Thank you

I have cleaned my fair share of carpets.  There definitely is a technique involved and every carpet is different.  Some carpets like a fast hard scrubbing and other carpets like it soft and slow.  The latest trend has been to get rid of the carpet all together and go with hard wood.  It is much smoother and easier to clean, I almost enjoy doing it.  Once you get it clean get on a regular maintence schedule of atleast once a week if possible.  Skipping one week a month is preferable though.  Some carpets prefer a battery operated cleaning device but I like to take care of it the old fashioned way.   

Edited by Rich S 12/22/2011 9:02 AM
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Posted 12/23/2011 7:27 AM (#101925 - in reply to #101913)
Subject: RE: Recommend personally an excellent carpet cleaner


Posts: 397

Location: Badgerland
Rich S - 12/22/2011 8:58 AM

I have cleaned my fair share of carpets.  There definitely is a technique involved and every carpet is different.  Some carpets like a fast hard scrubbing and other carpets like it soft and slow.  The latest trend has been to get rid of the carpet all together and go with hard wood.  It is much smoother and easier to clean, I almost enjoy doing it.  Once you get it clean get on a regular maintence schedule of atleast once a week if possible.  Skipping one week a month is preferable though.  Some carpets prefer a battery operated cleaning device but I like to take care of it the old fashioned way.   

Plus about every 28 days you might want to farm out the cleaning to a third party.
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Posted 1/9/2012 10:26 PM (#102130 - in reply to #88801)
Subject: RE: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?


Posts: 32

Location: Darboy, wi
email me at [email protected] i will send you some.

Edited by RJS 1/9/2012 10:33 PM
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Posted 1/15/2012 9:52 AM (#102209 - in reply to #102130)
Subject: RE: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?


Posts: 32

Location: Darboy, wi
mounting downriggers on a ranger

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Posted 1/15/2012 2:10 PM (#102211 - in reply to #102209)
Subject: RE: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?


Posts: 53

nice picture! you have the right idea for mounting those downriggers. you must be an amazing fabricator!!! Lol.
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Posted 2/14/2012 3:14 PM (#102682 - in reply to #88902)
Subject: RE: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?

New User

Posts: 1

Would you send me more info on the Runnin Rod racks. I have 2012 620 coming.
Where are you located, prices, dimensions etc;
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Posted 2/15/2012 7:35 PM (#102694 - in reply to #88801)
Subject: Re: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?


Posts: 23

Location: Devils Lake ND
You can run downriggers on your ranger, using the top of the rail for support. I used the Scotty mounts that had the pad on top to mount the down rigger and then dropped out the bottom (picture a half of square) that mounted to the inside of the boat using two screw in knobs. The rail was only used as support never any "pulling" on the rail. I ran them on my last Ranger for 5 years and never messed up anything, dont see how you could with this set up. Let me look for a picture and I will post it for you.
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Posted 2/16/2012 7:53 AM (#102699 - in reply to #88801)
Subject: RE: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?


Posts: 23

Location: Devils Lake ND
See if I can get a picture to load here.
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Posted 2/16/2012 8:06 AM (#102700 - in reply to #88801)
Subject: Re: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?


Posts: 23

Location: Devils Lake ND
OK cant get pictures to load, says they are bigger than 200KB, dont know how to make them smaller, send me a PM with your email address and I will send them to you that way instead.

Eric T.
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Posted 2/17/2012 11:30 AM (#102745 - in reply to #102699)
Subject: RE: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?


Posts: 3899

walynut - 2/16/2012 7:53 AM

See if I can get a picture to load here.

Use this to resize
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Posted 2/17/2012 12:17 PM (#102747 - in reply to #102745)
Subject: Re: Mounting Downriggers on Ranger Rails?


Posts: 23

Location: Devils Lake ND
Thanks Shep, I will give that a try, wont work on my work computer but will try it on my home one!! Thanks!!!!
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