Hair jigs
Posted 4/30/2010 7:59 AM (#90546)
Subject: Hair jigs

Hello, I am looking for as certain color hair jig. A black head with black hair on top and orange hair on the bottom. Sizes from 3/16 to 1/2. Anyone seen these or know where I can get some or have made? Any help would be great, Thanks
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GNWC Rookie
Posted 4/30/2010 9:12 AM (#90549 - in reply to #90546)
Subject: RE: Hair jigs


Posts: 625

Location: LaCrosse, WI
Try Hutch. He'll tie almost any color combo you could ever want. If that color isn't listed, give him a call. He'll probably do it.

Plus, his stuff is as good as it gets.
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Posted 5/1/2010 6:19 AM (#90568 - in reply to #90549)
Subject: RE: Hair jigs


Posts: 1991

Check with Dean also at
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Posted 5/11/2010 9:45 AM (#90899 - in reply to #90546)
Subject: RE: Hair jigs

Contact was make, thanks!!!!
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Posted 5/12/2010 2:13 PM (#90944 - in reply to #90546)
Subject: Re: Hair jigs


Posts: 105

Why would you want that color?
Buy a jig and tie you own, saticefying and fun to boot if you have the time. Nothing like catching a big fish on a hair jig you tied yourself! Oh, I do have that color in my arsenal as well! Just throw it out... you don't need it.

No, but seriously, I love tying my own because I love using the hardened hooks by Gamakatsu, the eagle claws just don't hold up. I will spend the extra money on the hooks and make my own thank you. Good luck and Hutch would be my first choice as well if I wasn't tying my own. Oh, I still do get jigs from him, just not all my hair jigs.

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