WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted
Wat Director
Posted 5/12/2010 11:40 AM (#90934)
Subject: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted


Posts: 118


Due to the erroneous information that was provided to a large number of our fishermen that caused them to think that willow cats as bait were approved for the Lansing, IA tournament. I find myself in the unenviable and embarrassing position that is causing me to retract the ban on the willow cat as bait for the remaining 2010 tournaments including the Lansing tournament.

Believe me; I truly regret all of this confusion! In the future if any member has any question about our tournaments please contact ME!

I have checked with Bob's Bait & Tackle 129 Clinton St, La Crosse, WI 54603
(608) 782-5552 & they have ample inventory of the willow cat.

Thanks---Bill Brosnahan
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Posted 5/12/2010 5:00 PM (#90950 - in reply to #90934)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

Excuse me if I am wrong but wouldnt it be illegal to buy bait in Wisconsin and take it to a ramp in Iowa?
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Wat Director
Posted 5/12/2010 8:02 PM (#90954 - in reply to #90950)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted


Posts: 118

I really have a problem responding to a person that logs on here without identifying themselves. But here goes. Please read the Wisconsin Rules on transporting minnows. Yes, the Willow Cat or tadpole madtom is defined as a minnow in their rules.
I will provide you with their exact wording in the rules:

Minnows includes a sucker not listed as endangered or threatened species, central
mudminnow, tadpole madtom, stonecat, banded killifish, blackstripe topminnow,
brook silverside, brook stickleback, ninespine stickleback, trout-perch, darter, log perch,
sculpin. “Minnow” includes any minnow family cyprinid that is not listed as endangered
or threatened and that is not a goldfish, grass carp, common carp, or rudd.

You may not transport any live fish or live fish eggs away from any state waters. There is an exception for minnows obtained from a Wisconsin bait dealer. These minnows may be transported away live and used again:
On the same water, or
On any other waters if no lake or river water, or other fish were added to their container.

What about Minnesota? Here is the Wisconsin rule to cover imported baits from other states.

You may not possess or use minnows for bait that are obtained outside of Wisconsin. This does not apply if the minnows were imported under a Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) permit, OR if they were obtained from Iowa or Minnesota and are being used only “between the tracks” on the Mississippi River.

Thanks---Bill Brosnahan
Tournament Director
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Posted 5/13/2010 7:35 AM (#90968 - in reply to #90954)
Subject: Need a lawyer


Posts: 7

Location: Dubuque
Welcome to fishing on the big River. Four lures in IA and three in WI. All the state have there own rules. You need a lawyer in the boat, at all times to figure out what the rules are
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Posted 5/13/2010 7:52 AM (#90969 - in reply to #90934)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

This time you are dealing with 2 states. They posted WI laws but did anyone look at IA regs. they dont show willow cats as a legal bait. I know this a big pot stir by me but I think changing the rules in the middle of the game is wrong. What about the guys who cant drive to LaCrosse to get them they have a handicap right off the bat.
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john mannerino
Posted 5/13/2010 8:27 AM (#90973 - in reply to #90969)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted


Posts: 1188

Location: Chicago IL.
Man I`m glad I retired and dont have to worry about this anymore. This has always been a tricky situation on the river when you fish from different states and there rules. I would quess the DNR has changed there rules on this from last year. From my understanding, it was never not legal to have them in IA., it was not legal to bring them in from other states.
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Joe Carter
Posted 5/13/2010 1:36 PM (#90984 - in reply to #90954)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

I feel that rules should be in place before any money is taken. The reason that a ban was placed is to prevent the very thing that is happening right now. I don't mind if willow cats are used or not, but have the rule in place before the season starts. Fishermen will know what to expect. For two season they have been banned. Why was willow cats going to be allowed for the last two tournaments anyway? Are we pre-fishing for another tournament? I do know we are spending a lot of time in pools 9 and 10. Like I said, I knew we would be fishing those pools before I signed and paid. So no problem. I think of all four tournaments as one. I paid my money in that line of thinking. It would not be fair in any sport to change rules at halftime. God bless
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john mannerino
Posted 5/14/2010 6:53 AM (#91011 - in reply to #90984)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted


Posts: 1188

Location: Chicago IL.
Whats going on Joe. You do bring up a great point.
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Joe Carter
Posted 5/14/2010 7:47 AM (#91012 - in reply to #90934)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

What's up John. We need to get together and fish sometime this season.
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Kevin Oyen
Posted 5/14/2010 8:02 AM (#91013 - in reply to #90984)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

Joe, you are right about changing the rules at halftime, however unlike the NFL, MLB, NCAA etc., Walleye Tournaments do not have a oversite committee, we are forced to comply with State Regulations. In the case of willow cats, restrictions were removed on transportation and the ban was lifted, hence forth now a legal bait. For example, if the WAT or any other Circuit sets their Schedule for next year and a Tournament is held out of Dubuque in September, but the DNR lifts the size limits in July do we stay with the old restrictions 15" to 20" and one over 27" or do we allow anything over 15"? some will say stay with the old rules and change it next year and some will say go with the law and change it now. It becomes a tough call for the Tournament Director to make. I do not agree or disagree with his decision on willow cats, however i do applaud him for making one.

Kevin Oyen
NPAA 158
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Brian Morris
Posted 5/14/2010 8:24 AM (#91016 - in reply to #90934)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

I also would like to applaud Bill for retracting the Ban and listening to his anglers. Thank you!!!!!

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Posted 5/14/2010 9:28 AM (#91023 - in reply to #90934)
Subject: Re: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted


Posts: 105

First of all, I would like to say, in the regulation for the tournament and on the web site for this entire year, there was never a ban on the willow cats to begin with. If you read the WI regs, as Bill posted, you will see they are legal bait. I probably started this whole thing off, buy asking Bill if they were legal or not, becuase yes, last year they were banned. But I did not see them as being banned this year. So I asked him a simple question, are they banned or not. He stated they were banned. OKAY, great! We are all on the same playing field, but then I hear that some are looking at using them because they say they are not banned. SO, I just asked bill to make a decisiona and clearly post it which he did! I am fine with it no matter the director decides. I just want a fair playing field for all, with or with out willow cats and I guess willow cats are allowed.

As far as the post about, being from IA and not being able to get to La Crosse to get them. That is a crock! You can get them if you really want them. I am sure you know someone up here or someone from down there that is coming up to get some, ask them to pick you up a dozen or two! Lansing is only a half hour drive from La Crosse as well. Small price to pay for some very poor bait!

Good luck guys! Let the sun shine! I am sick of this rain!
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Posted 5/14/2010 10:17 AM (#91028 - in reply to #91013)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

For the last two years other circuits use them and they were fishing the same waters we fished. I know for a fact that some fishermen used willow cats in the FLW in Dubuque. The states rules were clear for use of that bait. I had a chance to get a ton of willow cats in 2009, and was asked, why can't they be used in the WAT. It was a rule that was in place prior to the start of the season. The director (Bill) has not retract the ban. I guess I should have gotten the bait that year and said it was cleared be the states? The states did not make this big change yesterday. Like I said once before rules should not change in the middle of a game. Maybe at the Saturday meeting a vote would help make all involved feel part of this decision. I know their are others like me who would like to know why this willow cat change popped up at this point and time.
I truly don't care if the bait is use or not, but what is going on here? A decision was made. That's easy. Making the right and fair decision now that's tough. Let's fish! God bless
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Joe Carter
Posted 5/14/2010 10:20 AM (#91029 - in reply to #90934)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

last massage was from me, Joe Carter.
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Posted 5/14/2010 10:58 AM (#91034 - in reply to #90934)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

I hope that you guys get this figured out and have a great tournament this weekend. I am not fishing the WAT this year but I am freinds with a lot of you guys so I wish you all the best of luck and hope that you have fun. Besides all of this, the WAT was always a fun time. It was more like a bunch of buddies out fishing for a weekend rather than a tournament. So good luck to you all and have a a great weekend!!

Mike Bisdorf
Mississippi Walleye Club

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Posted 5/14/2010 11:01 AM (#91035 - in reply to #90934)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

P.S I love Brian Morris

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Joe Carter
Posted 5/14/2010 12:15 PM (#91042 - in reply to #91034)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

What up Mike. Did you know you have the same birthday as me? 1971 my mother gave birth to a hell risen heavenly son.
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Posted 5/17/2010 7:34 PM (#91130 - in reply to #90934)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

You boys NEED TO GET YOUR SH*IT TOGETHER>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> YES BOYS.....
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Posted 5/17/2010 7:37 PM (#91131 - in reply to #91130)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

I think that's why the MIssissippi Walley Club Fell apart, TOO MANY WORMS not enough FISH.................
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Mike Bisdorf
Posted 5/17/2010 8:12 PM (#91136 - in reply to #90934)
Subject: RE: WAT Willow Cat Ban Retracted

I am prety sure that the Mississippi Walleye Club did not fall apart.... in fact we have over 80 members and a lot more participaton in our tournaments, plus our kids day event (one of the only of its kind in the tri-states) keeps getting better every year! I also think it will take more then lifting a ban on willow cats to make the WAT fall apart. I think it is simple: if you dont like the rules dont fish. But please dont make statements without the facts!!

Mike Bisdorf
Mississippi Walleye Club
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