Chilton Rummage Sale-Lot of outdoor gear
Mr. Darboy
Posted 9/3/2014 10:58 AM (#112557)
Subject: Chilton Rummage Sale-Lot of outdoor gear


Posts: 514

Location: Darboy USA
Rummage sale this weekend, starts late Friday afternoon through Saturday evening. Multiple family and outdoorsman will have items in there including fishing rods, lures, canoe, smoker, deer cams, Bowtech bow, etc. Address is 611 Bessy Ln. behind the strip mall in Chilton.
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Mr. Darboy
Posted 9/5/2014 3:38 PM (#112565 - in reply to #112557)
Subject: Re: Chilton Rummage Sale-Lot of outdoor gear


Posts: 514

Location: Darboy USA
Rummage sale is now open. Hope to see some WF folks there, bring cash!! Ha ha.
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