SWC Battle on the Bay
Posted 7/7/2016 6:39 AM (#114987)
Subject: SWC Battle on the Bay


Posts: 125

11th Annual SWC Battle on the Bay Walleye Tournament
Oconto WI
Sunday August 21st.
$300 per team entry

Attached are the entry form and the general rules.

Important Dates:
Entry Deadline is August 6th - Entries must be post marked by August 6th.
No entries will be accepted after this date.

Early Bird entry deadline is July 23rd - all entries post marked by July 23rd will be entered in a drawing for $300.

There is a TWF Side Pot registered for this event, for more into see the rules sheet.

For questions call:
Tournament Director - Nick Mills - 920-917-2816
Tournament Director - Marc Brook - 414-779-2407

Attachments Battle on the Bay application 2016 .docx (55KB - 152 downloads)
Attachments BotB Rules 2016.docx (14KB - 169 downloads)
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Posted 7/7/2016 6:52 AM (#114989 - in reply to #114987)
Subject: Re: SWC Battle on the Bay


Posts: 125

FYI - The SWC was informed that this year all entrants will be required to pay their own launch fees at Break Water Park the day of the tournament ... In the past the launch fees were always covered by the fee the SWC pays to use the facility and the city of Oconto has changed their policy and now that fee does not cover the launch permits of the anglers for the day.
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Posted 7/8/2016 1:52 PM (#114993 - in reply to #114989)
Subject: Re: SWC Battle on the Bay


Posts: 3899

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