Weed related eye's
Posted 5/25/2004 7:58 AM (#18467)
Subject: Weed related eye's


Posts: 190

Location: Annandale, MN
Here is a pic from this past Saturday. The fish was CPR'd while fishing a mid-lake hump with a jig and power shad. We were in 10' of water, mid-day and it was overcast. Anyone else experience mid-day bites under these conditions? Oh, yeah we caught fish casting cranks too. Nav

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(Randy_ Alex_Flink_27in_eye.jpg)

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Posted 5/25/2004 8:29 AM (#18469 - in reply to #18467)
Subject: RE: Weed related eye's


Posts: 3899

Nice one, Jon! Too bad the boy has his mouth covered. I'd like to see how wide that smile is! But I can see it in his eyes.

I like fishing the weeds for eyes. Some of my best days have been fishing shallow weed fish. Even on bluebird days.
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Posted 5/25/2004 8:49 AM (#18471 - in reply to #18469)
Subject: RE: Weed related eye's


Posts: 190

Location: Annandale, MN
Thanks Shep. Randy and his son Alex are from Texas and within 15 minutes were freezing cold!! Alex was having a blast catching fish though. Nav
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Posted 5/25/2004 5:10 PM (#18514 - in reply to #18471)
Subject: RE: Weed related eye's

Location: Rhinelander
Late May, June, and early July mid day weedline walleyes are a personal favorite of mine.I use plastics and jigs almost exclusively for them, and do very well. Nice shot, great fish!
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Rick Larson
Posted 5/25/2004 5:15 PM (#18515 - in reply to #18467)
Subject: RE: Weed related eye's

Oh yeah!

Mid-day hump pumping has been very good to me! Nice fish Texan!

Edited by Rick Larson 5/25/2004 5:15 PM
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Posted 5/26/2004 11:56 AM (#18567 - in reply to #18515)
Subject: RE: Weed related eye's


Posts: 145

Sworrall, I'll have to dig up my Outdoor Notebook with my article "Cabbage Patch Fish" in it.
Think I wrote it 20 years ago, but all the precepts hold true today.
Walleyes in the weeds are there for one reason....TO EAT!
I used to catch 90% of my walleyes from mid May to mid Sept in cabbage patches in water 8-10 feet during all hours of the day in all kinds of conditions.
I'll dig a copy out and blow the dust off and send it to you.
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Posted 6/11/2004 10:38 AM (#19406 - in reply to #18467)
Subject: RE: Weed related eye's


Posts: 190

Location: Annandale, MN
It's still going strong for pike and eye's in the weeds pitchin' plastics! Expect to pick up those pesky bass and crappies doing this also. The Sanders (Duane, Blake & Cory) crew caught fish all day on Wednesday. Nav

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Posted 6/11/2004 2:31 PM (#19422 - in reply to #18467)
Subject: RE: Weed related eye's

Good photo and nice fish.
To answer your question on success in weeds- Absolutely!

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