Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?
Posted 6/4/2004 8:41 AM (#19071)
Subject: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
I was looking at the great pictures that Troy took from the PWT and noticed the Northland Fishing Tackle Boat and associated trailer. It's obvious that we will continue to see more and more boat wraps like this one. What are your reactions when you see this boat? Do you like the looks?

Just curious to know how you reacted when you saw it.
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Posted 6/4/2004 8:53 AM (#19074 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?

My reaction was without a doubt negative. Can't really put a finger on as to why, but I know my stomach turned as my head shook as in disbelief. Just seems a little much. Perhaps I'm just old fashioned. Maybe I don't like seeing fishing, which for so long has been a simple escape for me, become so commercialized. Count on seeing these wraps around for a long time, as they probably serve as effective advertising, but I certainly don't find them "attractive." Just my opinion....

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Posted 6/4/2004 9:20 AM (#19075 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 540

Location: Milw, WI
It was a negative to me.
Just to busy.
Needs to both appeal to the eye and send a clear message.
Not anything clear about that one.
Reminds me of the guy that drives around town here with all the hand writen signs on his car.
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Posted 6/4/2004 10:17 AM (#19077 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 284

I think it is too busy also. However, I think the Cloverdale boat looks pretty sweet. Its an orange wrapped Yar Craft.
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Posted 6/4/2004 10:41 AM (#19080 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
Okay, so some wraps are ugly to you and some are acceptable. I'm just being curious as to which ones you like or dislake the most. There are others out there besides these but it was easy to get these for this discussion. I remember Gary Gray's Mercury boat and I really liked that one but I'm partial to Black

Any marketing guru's out there? If someone gets a negative reaction at first, when they see one of these boats, is it possible that it could still generate additional sales?

We are learning from the racing industry and will see more and more wraps.

Edited by Sunshine 6/4/2004 10:50 AM

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Posted 6/4/2004 11:04 AM (#19081 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 540

Location: Milw, WI
well I have to say....

I have like the cabelas boats since they got out there.
There are better ones than that one.

If you take the packaging shot off the northland boat it would be better.

The PWT and G2pros????? boat need a rework.

I still to this day have not figured out that G2 boat , as to what it is about film processors or what?

Others are cool in thier own ways.

And I bet it is a good check putting those rides together.
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Posted 6/4/2004 11:25 AM (#19084 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 284

I just think when it gets too busy you lose the effectiveness. That G2 boat or whatever it is you can't even read. The northland and other boats that you can read whether they look good or not probably draw the same amount of attention.

I have a marketing degree and will spend the rest of my life in sales but I have always struggled to see the impact of some promotion efforts. I would venture a guess that Cloverdale meats won't sell any more or less because of the PWT boat that they sponsor. I guess it does serve the purpose of getting their name out there though. Overall, promotions can be a positive but it has to be carefully done to a captive audience in my opinion.

The company that I work for is in conjunction with some of the best in the industry for promotion purposes. I would say they are the best, and some of the most respected, knowledgable guys out there out of virtually anyone. However, I often wonder how much increase sales it gets us.

Interesting topic.

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Posted 6/4/2004 11:34 AM (#19085 - in reply to #19084)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 3899

And then there is the Team Crestliner, which anybody can get this graphics package. Not sure if it falls into the same category as the others.

As far as the others, I guess that some of these companies are convinced that this helps. Not only is there name/logo seen while on the water during tournaments, it is also seen on the highways going to and from tourneys and promotional events. I've seen Juls several times, tooling down the breezeway on her way to or from some of these promotional events. I always beep and wave, but so far, no reaction. Perhaps it's because we're going in opposite directions, with a median between us! hehehe

Edited by Shep 6/4/2004 11:43 AM

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Posted 6/4/2004 1:54 PM (#19090 - in reply to #19081)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?

New User

Posts: 1

Kinda funny on the G2 boat, there are pictures taken out of the 2004 Lund boat catalog. Wonder whats up with that?
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Posted 6/4/2004 2:03 PM (#19091 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 1656

There is no suth thing as bad publicity or was it no such thing as bad any rate, the simple fact that this thread exisits is proof that people are noticing and talking about it.

Weather you like the Norhtland boat or not, people are talking about it.....and that is what advertising is suppose to do.
Seems pretty effective if you ask me.
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Posted 6/4/2004 2:46 PM (#19092 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 284

Advertising is supposed to, in one way or another, generate sales. Is that happening and how do you quantify it if it is? There is no such thing as bad publicity I think is what you were getting at. There is a such thing as bad advertising though. Publicity is usually free.
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wolf walleye
Posted 6/4/2004 6:03 PM (#19098 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?

I would like to make up my own wrap for my new ranger when it comes in.Where can I get 1 made up?Serious as a heart attack.I have a few good ideas.
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Posted 6/4/2004 7:37 PM (#19105 - in reply to #19081)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?

In regards to the G2 boat:

In case you were not aware....the twins have a show called "Pro's Pointers", that airs in MN during the early evening news. It's VERY popular. That's what the "film" is on the side of the boat. As for the Lund pictures, the Glorvigens have a major sponsorship with Lund, so that would be the reason for them.

Sorry if I never reacted to your're right, if you were going the opposite direction, I probably wouldn't have reacted soon enough. You would however, catch me looking in my mirror. lol

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Rick Larson
Posted 6/4/2004 9:44 PM (#19119 - in reply to #19080)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?

I like them all! As far as the fish, don't think they care to much.

Seriously, do think this type of marketing is effective with the many fisherman that travel the highway. Often I find myself with a turned head looking at other's boats to find out what brands are trailered.

Not to say anyone is influenced to rush out and buy, but it builds trust in these products knowing other's own and use them.
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Posted 6/5/2004 9:59 AM (#19130 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?

It is just an example of what can be done for sponsors.

Would I own one? No.
Would I stock one for sale? No.

I like to be incognito when I am on the water..... if recognized, I get put to work. (Even at tournaments I am fishing in- people ask me to fix something...even out on the water... DURING the tournament). I love to fish! I have very little free time to fish. I can't go anyplace without people getting in my face because something isn't running right, or working right. I quit doing tournaments, except one that we sponsor at our home body of water, for this reason.

So...No, I am not going to wrap my boat to draw attention to myself.
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Posted 6/5/2004 10:57 AM (#19132 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?

I just re-read my post.... it didn't read humorous. It sounds humorous when I tell the story, but it just doesn't type out funny.
Don't take it as a whine... I know what all comes with the territory.....

But, I like to be stealthy when fishing, because I just want to fish.
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Rick Larson
Posted 6/5/2004 7:46 PM (#19139 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?

Oh no T-Mac, it read just fine and can completely understand it in humor!

Ohbytheway,ifsomeonehasaproblemwithhowyouthinkorwrite,justrememberthis: Theyhavetoovercometheirnegativeemotion,notyou!:-)
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Posted 6/6/2004 9:58 AM (#19151 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 83

Location: Isle MN.
Personaly I think that the wraps are a great way to promote there sponsors!!!! It takes a lot of time and money to run with the big dogs and what a better way to get your sponsors reconized!! There are definetly a few that need some serious looking into. I think I need to be an advertising guy!!!!
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Rob Stratton
Posted 6/6/2004 11:31 AM (#19155 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 171

Anyone have an idea of the price of having this done? Or maybe the company that makes it?
P.S. By the way, billboards on a major expressway can run up to 10,000/per month or more. I can only imagine how many people have seen the Crown Royal boat tooling down the road and the name recognition it has generated. It is the finest looking boat on the circuit

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Posted 6/7/2004 9:36 AM (#19202 - in reply to #19155)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 3899

Wolf Walleye and Rob,

My neighbor is a supervisor with the County Transit down here. They do wraps on the busses. I will ask him where they get it done, and report back.
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Posted 6/7/2004 10:33 AM (#19206 - in reply to #19071)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?


Posts: 363

Location: Kaukauna WI
Appleton Sign in Appleton WI will do one also for you

Michael Dutton
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John Curry
Posted 6/7/2004 1:23 PM (#19218 - in reply to #19155)
Subject: RE: Northland Fishing Tackle Boat reaction?

Rob, Thanks for the compliment concerning the Crown Royal boat wrap. We feel that it's the best cooridanated graphic out there also. JDC Marketing Group in Atlanta does the work and design as well. You can reach them at 770-368-1002 Atlanta or e-mail [email protected]. They also do work for Coca Cola Fishing and others.
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