Diawa sealine 17's
Posted 6/8/2004 9:11 AM (#19248)
Subject: Diawa sealine 17's


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
I knew that there were issues with the new Diawa Sealine 17 linecounters when they came out last year. BUT, I was also under the impression that they fixed the problem they had with the clutch.

I bought two of these reels before the MWS Green Bay tournament and gave them a try. I was assured that they were brand new and were not old stock sitting around from last year.

I still had problems with the clutch on these reels and had to return them for 27's. The problem I had was when I would let out the necessary amount of line and then try to engage the clutch. Over 1/2 the time it would not engage unless a manually turned the spool. It felt like it was between gears.

buyer beware?

Anyone else experience this?

I sure did love the size of these reels. I wish they worked.
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Uncle Paul
Posted 6/8/2004 11:10 AM (#19251 - in reply to #19248)
Subject: RE: Diawa sealine 17's

I had the same problem but I liked the size of the reels,so I called Diawa and they gave me a choice to send them the reels to fix or to send me the parts.They were at my place in two days ,about two minutes to install and was back fishing.That was a little over a year ago you would think they would have the problem fixed. Paul
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Posted 6/8/2004 1:11 PM (#19259 - in reply to #19248)
Subject: RE: Diawa sealine 17's


Posts: 183

Location: Menasha, Wis.
I purchased the 17's last year. Over the winter, I got the new parts and replaced them. So far everything seems to be working fine. Uncle Paul is alot better reel mechanic than I am. It took me about 15 minutes per reel to do the fix. I too, really like the size for Walleye fishing.
Happy fishing to all
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Posted 6/8/2004 1:30 PM (#19261 - in reply to #19248)
Subject: RE: Diawa sealine 17's


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin

Either they have not fixed the new ones or I was sold a bag of bs when they swore that these reels were brand new and had not been sitting around.

I sure did like the feel and profile.
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Posted 6/8/2004 3:47 PM (#19268 - in reply to #19261)
Subject: RE: Diawa sealine 17's

Dennis- Did you check the date codes? On my 27's there is a production date code that was readily visible. I would have to look at them again to find out where.
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Posted 6/8/2004 5:44 PM (#19271 - in reply to #19248)
Subject: RE: Diawa sealine 17's


Posts: 794

Location: Elgin, Illinois
Is that production date code on the reels? And, then, is there some "cut-off" date... I have two "new" ones waiting for me.. I don't want to pick up trouble that I have to fix...
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Posted 6/8/2004 7:25 PM (#19278 - in reply to #19248)
Subject: RE: Diawa sealine 17's


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
I learn more and more from you all the time. Where are these date codes?
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Posted 6/8/2004 7:48 PM (#19279 - in reply to #19248)
Subject: RE: Diawa sealine 17's


Posts: 124

I got 2 accudepth they do the samething you all are talking about is there any way i can fix that
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Posted 6/9/2004 3:05 PM (#19319 - in reply to #19248)
Subject: RE: Diawa sealine 17's


Posts: 188

Location: Westland, Mich.
this link will direct you to all the info you need on the clutch problem on the 17's.

netminder is my brother and we both had problems with the half dozen 17's we each bought last year. he realy went to work on this and found the problem. we put our heads together to let them know how to fix them, but he did all the leg work. diawa sent new pawls and after installing them we have had no problems. the repair will take about 45 min. on the first reel but you will do the 6th one in 20 minutes if you're and unexperienced reel techie like me if you don't want to do the repair yourself you can take them back or send them to diawa, but be aware that there is still some old stock in stores. you can test a new reel by thumbing the spool and turning the handle to each "click" (there are 9 of them)and then turning the clutch lever over and back. if the lever turns fully in every position the reel is ok.

Edited by JAKE 6/9/2004 3:25 PM
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Posted 6/10/2004 8:01 AM (#19355 - in reply to #19248)
Subject: RE: Diawa sealine 17's


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
Thanks Jake!

It's a hard pill to swallow when you spend $85-90 for a reel and then you have to do a repair on them

I'll keep looking for "good" 17's.

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Posted 6/10/2004 10:30 AM (#19362 - in reply to #19355)
Subject: RE: Diawa sealine 17's


Posts: 188

Location: Westland, Mich.
i agree. the saving grace is that the size of the reel is perfect, the repair is easy and the rest of the features work within my parameters too. my issue with this is that diawa didn't recall unsold reels from retailers and fix them. they're leaving that to the consumer, bad plan, they have, and will lose sales.
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