Mercury National weight guesses?
Posted 6/11/2004 8:44 AM (#19397)
Subject: Mercury National weight guesses?


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
Mercury National weight guesses?

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
This famous quote may be the message of the day for those fortunate anglers doing the Mercury Nationals this weekend. The reports that I am getting from those who are prefishing indicate that there are lots of locations and techniques that are producing fish. It appears that the entire system is in excellent health and the timing for this prestigious event couldn’t be better. The teams who find and stay on the pods of big fish will obviously win. It’ll be hard for many to leave active 17” to 19” fish to go after the home run and bring in the necessary weights to make money.

After all that being said, I predict that it will take over 40 pounds to win. I’ll go out on a limb and say that trolling crank baits in transition areas will take the top prize. What do you think? What technique will work the best? Will it be casting shallow, pitching jigs, trolling shallow reefs, slip bobbering, live bait rigging, trolling the mud, using flies or a combination of the above?

So many choices, so little time. Good Luck guys! It’ll be fun to watch and learn.
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Mr. Darboy
Posted 6/11/2004 9:19 AM (#19399 - in reply to #19397)
Subject: RE: Mercury National weight guesses?


Posts: 514

Location: Darboy USA
It will be interesting to see how this weather will affect the fish. There were some nice fish being caught last weekend and early this week before the cold front came through. I'm guessing that it will take about 38# to win.

My opinion is the bigger fish will be taken trolling the mud with crawlers on Bago and also fishing the canes on the upper lakes.
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Rick Larson
Posted 6/11/2004 10:39 AM (#19407 - in reply to #19397)
Subject: RE: Mercury National weight guesses?

This day's weather will slow down the big lake bite. My guess is upper lakes with a whopping 52 pound 2-day weight.
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Posted 6/11/2004 11:46 AM (#19410 - in reply to #19397)
Subject: RE: Mercury National weight guesses?


Posts: 540

Location: Milw, WI
My guess is 54lbs if they can keep those fish biting with the weather changes.

But not as bad as last year I hope.
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Posted 6/11/2004 1:45 PM (#19415 - in reply to #19397)
Subject: RE: Mercury National weight guesses?


Posts: 377

Location: Neenah Wi
My guess is 43lbs fishing the  river or close to it. With all this rain though  may put the cabash to that.What do the rest of you think this rain will do to the river bite?

Edited by Risor39 6/11/2004 1:48 PM
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Posted 6/11/2004 2:35 PM (#19424 - in reply to #19397)
Subject: RE: Mercury National weight guesses?


Posts: 580

Location: Green Bay, WI
My guess is 39lbs. This weather is going to make things tough for the mud bite, which is what produces a lot of big fish. The river also gives up a good number of big fish too, but there is going to be a lot of current and "color" to the water, making that tough too. What the fish do in those conditions here in the Fox in Green Bay, is they get tight to shore and tight to structure. I'd guess they do the same in Oshkosh.

I'd be fishing transition areas, like the North Asylum area or the cane in the upper lakes.
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Posted 6/11/2004 3:18 PM (#19428 - in reply to #19397)
Subject: RE: Mercury National weight guesses?

36 Pounds, Haven't seen water this high in a long time! It's gonna get dirty over the next couple of days!
Good Luck
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Posted 6/11/2004 3:26 PM (#19429 - in reply to #19397)
Subject: RE: Mercury National weight guesses?

I'm going lower,on the weight,than what I would have guessed yesterday.Just because of all the dirty water,and storms.The river bite is going to be a tough one for sure.The Fox is now in my yard,and still trying to get into the house.I could catch fish off my deck,right now.It's a nice chocolate brown,and a yellow jig disapears at 2 inches.Thats on top off my grass also guys.You may as well forget about anything with current present,like rivers or the canes in Butte.My advice would be center of the lake,away from the brown water,or fishing along the water color change line.My guess will be...
38lbs.Sure wish things had not changed for you guys,the bite was really doing great,up until now.
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Brad B
Posted 6/11/2004 3:53 PM (#19431 - in reply to #19397)
Subject: RE: Mercury National weight guesses?


Posts: 617

Location: Oshkosh, Wisconsin
with the water like this, 30 pounds will be a BIG number...
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Scrap Iron
Posted 6/11/2004 7:40 PM (#19435 - in reply to #19397)
Subject: RE: Mercury National weight guesses?


Posts: 106

Location: Chilton, WI
I am going to go with 34 pounds. From my expierience Winnebago seems to be one of the tougher systems to fish in weather like this.
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eye Lunker
Posted 6/11/2004 9:01 PM (#19436 - in reply to #19397)
Subject: RE: Mercury National weight guesses?


Posts: 859

Location: Appleton wi
I predict 39lbs and 12ounces for both days.When the water stays high and we have alot current june tourny's anglers seem to do well in the upper lakes.Muddy water equals cane bite during the day.Alot of baitfish being washed down river Just my humble prediction
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Posted 6/11/2004 9:41 PM (#19438 - in reply to #19397)
Subject: RE: Mercury National weight guesses?


Posts: 299

Location: Wind lake, Wi
I'll say 41.5oz, I thimk of three possibilities- trolling the mud transitions, the cane or maybe a shallow weed bite. Good luck to WFers.
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Posted 6/12/2004 8:13 AM (#19447 - in reply to #19397)
Subject: RE: Mercury National weight guesses?


Posts: 84

Location: townsend,wi
45lbs is my guess,big fish in the cane!
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