Kids Fishing Derby
Posted 6/13/2004 6:19 AM (#19463)
Subject: Kids Fishing Derby


Posts: 82

Location: Westland, MI.
Hey Guys & Gals, I just posted this message on MuskieFirst, but I thought it should, also, go mentioned here. I represented Bert's Custom Tackle at a Kid's fishing Derby sponsored by Compass Ponte Marina in Fairhaven, MI, along with Gander Mountain and Triton Boats. An 11 year old girl caught and released a 48", 22lb, 1oz Lake St. Clair Muskie. It is believed to be some kind of IGFA record according to Larry Carr from Triton Boats. My hats off to Compass Pointe, what a great day and you walleye fisherman should have seen the smiles on these kids faces. What a day had by all. There should be more of this for the kid's. It's absolutely wonderful to see their responses after catching a fish. Nice job, you folks at Compass Pointe Marina
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