NPAA meeting?
Posted 1/9/2005 12:11 PM (#26086)
Subject: NPAA meeting?


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
I could not make the meeting. Anyone who attended care to tell the rest of us what you learned and if it was worthwhile. I know the networking is always important but how were the speakers or bar conversation. Inquisitve minds want to know.
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Jonny Rocket
Posted 1/9/2005 1:34 PM (#26087 - in reply to #26086)
Subject: RE: NPAA meeting?


Posts: 265

Location: Combined Locks, WI
Dennis, I attended the meeting and there was a lot of good info, some of which is confidential to the NPAA and it's members. This asscoiation has gotten a lot of bad press in the past but I believe now is the time to join and build the NPAA and yourself through the members of the NPAA. I invite more discussion about the NPAA on it's own forums. The web site is and there are public forums and members only forums please check them out and use them.

Here is what I will say on this site about the meeting. There were some very good speakers, Keith, Tommy Skarlis, Gary Parsons and Scott Fairbairn are intelligent and well spoken individuals. Members that spoke to the membership on hand were Mark Martin, Aaron Abaurrea, Bill Ortiz, and Pete Petros. I know I missed a few. Also Mark Romanack talked about taking professional photos and Jack Supple of Carmichael Lynce spoke to the membership as well. Some manufactures were on hand Friday and addressed the membership and the above mentioned bar conversation was fun and interesting. There was a non scheduled meeting for PWT pros Friday night that I did not attend. I for the life of me don't understand why when the NPAA Annual Meeting is held in Appleton, WI why all the members from the surrounding area did not attend. Just the networking with the likes of Keith, Tommy, Gary and sooooo many more is worth the mere membership fee and the very small fee to attend the meeting. My strong belief is you only get out of the NPAA what you are willing to get out of it. Any of you that are NPAA members that don't take advantage of the network in place are missing out on a lot. If you are a member of the NPAA and want to know more please either visit the members only forum or you can contact me and I will fill you in.
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Posted 1/9/2005 4:11 PM (#26088 - in reply to #26087)
Subject: RE: NPAA meeting?


Posts: 389

Jonny Rocket - 1/9/2005 2:34 PM

"Dennis, I attended the meeting and there was a lot of good info, some of which is confidential to the NPAA and it's members. This asscoiation has gotten a lot of bad press in the past but I believe now is the time to join and build the NPAA and yourself through the members of the NPAA. I invite more discussion about the NPAA on it's own forums. The web site is and there are public forums and members only forums please check them out and use them."

I couldn't agree more.

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Posted 1/9/2005 6:51 PM (#26097 - in reply to #26086)
Subject: RE: NPAA meeting?


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin

Thanks for the response and brief overview. Can anyone tell us a little more about what the speakers covered? Do you feel that you gained valuable information that will make you a better fisherman? A better businessman? A better presenter?

NPAA has a great opportunity here to boast about the wonderful information that was shared. This thread opens the door to free advertising for them. Why would they not want to reap the benefits?
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Jonny Rocket
Posted 1/9/2005 7:15 PM (#26098 - in reply to #26086)
Subject: RE: NPAA meeting?


Posts: 265

Location: Combined Locks, WI
Yes the information presented will help make you a better fisherman, businessman, and presenter. As far as what topics were discussed I am of the strong belief that that information is for NPAA members. If you are a member and would like to know what you missed visit the members only forum or drop me a line.
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Dave Landahl
Posted 1/9/2005 7:28 PM (#26099 - in reply to #26086)
Subject: RE: NPAA meeting?


Posts: 164


Thank you very much for all of your interest in the NPAA.

There will be notes from the meeting available to all NPAA members at

The topics covered at this educational meeting included:

Acquiring and retaining sponsors (Local, Special and National)

Non-Endemic sponsorships presented by Jack Supple. (Jack is one of the principals of Carmichael Lynch a nationally known marketing firm who represent many notable companies such as Harley Davidson and Rapala)

How to present yourself professionally

How to take professional photos

Radio promotions

Insurance coverage

Legal coverage

All of that was presented on Saturday during the educational portion of the meeting.

On Friday the various manufacturers met with pro-staff and had meetings along with the announcement of a couple of new Supporting Members, Tuffy Boats and Yar-Craft Boats.

Above and beyond all of this there was a great exchange of information and ideas with some of the biggest names in the fishing industry and many of the rising stars in the business.

Being there was like taking an advanced course in the fishing industry, but it was also very enjoyable. Doc Samson said, I am paraphrasing here, that if you want to be a professional you need to be at these meetings and become a member of the NPAA.

We are shooting for an even bigger and better event for next year.

If you would like more information about the NPAA I will be more than happy to address your questions. Feel free to call the NPAA offices at 630-845-2766 Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time Zone)

Again, thank you very much for all of your interest.


Dave Landahl
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Posted 1/9/2005 7:37 PM (#26100 - in reply to #26086)
Subject: RE: NPAA meeting?


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
Thanks Dave,

That's exactly what I was looking for.
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