Ice House Garage
Loren Waalkens
Posted 2/3/2005 9:43 AM (#27112)
Subject: Ice House Garage


Posts: 200

Location: Lake City MN
Here's a couple of pics that a friend of mine shared with me the other day. It happened just east of Frazee MN on HWY 10. The guy pulling the house was going 35mph and the girl that rear ended him was going almost 80mph. To my knowledge nobody was hurt.
Loren Waalkens

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(ice house.jpg)

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(ice house 1.jpg)

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Posted 2/3/2005 9:55 AM (#27114 - in reply to #27112)
Subject: RE: Ice House Garage


Posts: 701

Location: upper michigan
what now thats 2 this winter
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Posted 2/3/2005 9:42 PM (#27158 - in reply to #27114)
Subject: RE: Ice House Garage

Location: Rhinelander
Well, that lends an entirely new meaning to the term 'Parking Garage'.
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Rob Stratton
Posted 2/4/2005 7:28 AM (#27174 - in reply to #27112)
Subject: RE: Ice House Garage


Posts: 171

How did she not see that?
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