Frabill Guess the Weight Contest, PWT/Cumberland
Posted 6/9/2005 9:29 AM (#33232)
Subject: Frabill Guess the Weight Contest, PWT/Cumberland

Location: Rhinelander
Jeff White wins the net with a guess that was very close to right on the money at 39.25. Winning weight was 39.02. There was one other guess that was close. Congratulations on the win, sir! I sent you a private message this morning.
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Posted 6/9/2005 9:50 AM (#33235 - in reply to #33232)
Subject: RE: Frabill Guess the Weight Contest, PWT/Cumberland


Posts: 794

Location: Elgin, Illinois
Jeff... Cool... Now catch something for the net!
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Jeff White
Posted 6/9/2005 10:08 AM (#33236 - in reply to #33232)
Subject: RE: Frabill Guess the Weight Contest, PWT/Cumberland


Posts: 23

Just glad Shannon Took care of me he lives just down the road so it was a ND SWEEP :>>>

Thanks for the net and keep up the great work on the website and tourney updates, always check here "first"

Jeff White
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