Sag.Bay..Day Two..Much Better.
walleye express
Posted 6/12/2005 4:17 PM (#33338)
Subject: Sag.Bay..Day Two..Much Better.


Posts: 2680

Location: Essexville, MI./Saginaw Bay.
Quit an interesting day all around today. I mean besides being cooler on the water. My good friend from Sea Gypsy charters set up a 52 person Corporate charter with people from Siding World. 7 other charter boats from around the Bay converged at Hoyles this morning before the charter people arrived, and the B.S. started flying. Now you know with all these premadonna's (self included) in one spot, there was going to be a little friendly wager for first, biggest, and most walleyes. And I thought my chances looked pretty good after yesterday.

Anyway, some of the people scheduled to go out fishing were not showing up after a night of gambling and festivities at the Chippewa Soaring Eagle Casino. And a few boats left for the fishing grounds with only 2 or 3 people aboard. I was the last boat, had no people to take out, and was actually in my truck ready to go back home when a father and son team showed up late. So with a 40 minute later start than everybody else, we hit the Bay. I started in the same spot as yesterday and again, could not get 6 rods set for the longest time. I was running the same 80 one side/40 the other program, but noticed a distinct difference in the size of the fish coming off the 40 back side. In fact the inside line was the busiest producing the biggest fish, so I changed the program to 40/25 with the rattle Tot's, and concentrated on that top 6 FOW. Less than three hours later we had our limit and became not only the last boat to leave the Marina, but was the first boat back in. Our Big fish was 7.2 and was second biggest. But our boat limit took most fish and our average size for the others was very much better.

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