Mercury Tourn- time to set the standards
Posted 6/14/2005 7:02 PM (#33450)
Subject: Mercury Tourn- time to set the standards

Just finished fishing this last weekend in the Merc Nationals. Lots of fun. Nice job Jim C in running the event. I know your hands are tied on this one. I have not fished this tournament in 5 to 7 yrs or since the alleged 1 place cheating that happened many years ago. I was very disappointed though in a few area's. First, The merc National should set the standard in the industry sorta like promoting the Verado. My concern is that all 300 boats were allowed to dock at any ramp that they wanted to. There were no boat checks at all! All other tournaments that I have entered at least addressed the complete boat check so that there are no fish in the boat. MWS and other do an awsome job at this, and these are just 1 day tournaments. Don't get me wrong, 95% of fisherman are true sportmens, but when $13,000 is on the line, 5% are not.
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john mannerino
Posted 6/15/2005 4:34 AM (#33459 - in reply to #33450)
Subject: RE: Mercury Tourn- time to set the standards


Posts: 1188

Location: Chicago IL.
I didnt fish it ,but Steve your right about no boat checks. If it is known that there are no boat checks before a tourney, it leaves open a window. If you dont have enough people to check the boats ,at least let other tourney boats check each others boat, and sign a form. At least if a problem comes up, a signed paper from another boat will verify is the boat was empty or not.
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Jim Ordway
Posted 6/15/2005 11:39 AM (#33484 - in reply to #33450)
Subject: RE: Mercury Tourn- time to set the standards


Posts: 538

As they announced at the rules meeting, they were doing random checks. I saw cks performed prior to take off on Sat. Was the alleged cheating years ago done via sneaking fish in the boat before the tourney day started? I would guess folks would be much more creative than that!!
Does anyone think there was any fowl play?
Take care,
Jim O
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Posted 6/15/2005 1:03 PM (#33489 - in reply to #33484)
Subject: RE: Mercury Tourn- time to set the standards


Posts: 3899

I was only concerned they would find my secret bait, and let the cat out of the bag.

I heard of no alleged cheating going on this year, or last, my only two years I've been lucky enough to get in. At least they try to weigh live fish, unlike many years ago, when they could bring in fish on ice!
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