FLW Devil's Lake, Day Two
Posted 6/16/2005 9:22 AM (#33522)
Subject: FLW Devil's Lake, Day Two


Posts: 1382

It's a beautiful day out on the water today with light to moderate winds and temps to be in the upper 70's. The anglers can expect a possible shower this afternoon, bt no major fronts coming through.

"The bite shouls improve today and tomorrow, with the weather stabilizing. The weights today could be better!" said Mark Dorn of the FLW.

Now THAT would be something.....

This is a great place to fish.

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Posted 6/16/2005 10:18 AM (#33530 - in reply to #33522)
Subject: RE: FLW Devil's Lake, Day Two


Posts: 3899

Juls must have found that same tree from the past two years! Pretty decent weight.

Reuben is in the hunt to make the cut again!

Wolf Walleye is in 63rd.

Larry Eaton is in 61st, and his nearest Co competitor is in 48th, and has taken the lead in Co-Angler of the Year over Larry. GO LARRY!!
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Dave Landahl
Posted 6/16/2005 10:45 AM (#33534 - in reply to #33522)
Subject: RE: FLW Devil's Lake, Day Two


Posts: 164

How about Nick Johnson. If he stays high in the standings he could win the FLW Walleye Tour Angler of the Year title. Imagine that? Last year the FLW Championship and this year a qualifier win and the AOY title. Now that would be something.

Dave Landahl
Fishing Fanatics Radio
[email protected]
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Posted 6/16/2005 1:27 PM (#33548 - in reply to #33534)
Subject: RE: FLW Devil's Lake, Day Two


Posts: 1382

The ever expanding Devils Lake...
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