June 26th, Little Bay walleye's
Capt. Marty
Posted 6/27/2005 7:43 AM (#33797)
Subject: June 26th, Little Bay walleye's


Posts: 198

Location: Gladstone, Michigan 49837
"June 25th. and Little Bay walleye,"

Calming conditions pretty much were throughout the early morning hours and the hot temps. continued. Although water surface temps. at the 70' range, lot's of baitfish schools heard of some catches of walleye going on both the upper and lower bays using primarily crawler harnesses and dragging both jigs and floating jig-heads tipping with crawlers.
Wife, Becky and I spent approximately 3 hours working the shallow waters of 12 feet and less where good concentrations of weeds are being seen and tossing lead-head jigs both with crawlers and Berkley "gulp" catching 4 nice keeper fish between 15 and 20 inches and also 7 undersize "chunky" walleye.
Enough for a great supper on the grill!
Also heard of some success off the Ford and Cedar Rivers area for trollers using both harnesses and cranks fishing water depths to 80 feet and working suspended fish.

Along with the large schools of alewives as many of you know we've got good populations of the Round Goby giving the walleyes lots of food choices. Here's a photo of one hungry enough to hitting a light jig and Berkley "gulp" jig-worm!

Captain Marty Papke
[email protected]

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