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Regional Walleye Fishing -> Mississippi River -> MMWS Sends FIVE Teams to Cabelas NTC!
Message Subject: MMWS Sends FIVE Teams to Cabelas NTC!
MMWS Director
Posted 4/10/2012 12:12 PM (#103532)
Subject: MMWS Sends FIVE Teams to Cabelas NTC!


Posts: 121

MMWS (Mighty Miss Walleye Series) wants to thank both Cabelas and TWF (The Walleye Federation) for their affiliation and to send FIVE Mississippi River teams to complete for the honors for the upcoming NTC Championship on Lake Mille Lac, Isle Minnesota on May 31st-June 1&2nd.

Mighty Miss Walleye Series Teams Competing:

Team 1: Rick Bryson (Arcadia, WI) / Galen Bremmer (Avoca, WI)
Team 2: Tom Brye (Westby, WI) / Tom Beck (Genoa, WI)
Team 3: Dave Lester (Onalaska, WI) / Joseph Williams (LaCrosse, WI)
Team 4: Jeremy Schreiner (Alma, WI) / Jim Schreiner (Eau Claire, WI)
Team 5: Phil Weigel (West Salem, WI) / Adam Woodhouse (Stoddard, WI)

See these two links for info on the upcoming event:



These teams will be proudly representing MMWS with a potential cash and prize purse potential of $180,000.

Please be sure to commend these teams for their achievement and wish them the best at this upcoming prestigeous event.

*MMWS is a grass roots walleye circuit formed by walleye fishermen for walleye fishermen. We are always looking for new teams to join in and compete. *Rules packet attached below!!**

Please be sure to check us out on line at our Face Book site:


We are always looking for new teams and would love to have you join any of our Mississippi River based events. Please open link below or email me at [email protected] and I will gladly send you a rules packet for the remaining 2012 events!

Our next event is May 12th on Pools 8&9... Hot Bite! Be Sure to GET IN!!!

Tight Lines,

Dale Radcliffe
MMWS Director
[email protected]

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(MMWS Logo for Web.jpg)

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(Jeremy Schreiner Alma Big Fish.jpg)

Attachments MMWS Logo for Web.jpg (26KB - 417 downloads)
Attachments Jeremy Schreiner Alma Big Fish.jpg (103KB - 421 downloads)
Attachments Mighty Miss Walleye Series 2012 Revised with dates.doc (70KB - 390 downloads)
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