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Lund - Tournament Coverage
MWC Qualifier
 Spring Valley, IL
 3/19 - 3/20
    Other MWC Results    
    Day1 | Day2 | ALL

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Current World Walleye Champion Eric Eichorn talks with Steve Pennaz

Jay Janny (shown) and Kim Papineau, 43rd place with 10.61 lbs

Dean Nathe discusses his day with Steve Pennaz

Glen Wangerin (pictured) and Gary Gray, 8th place after day one with 14.23 lbs

A fat Illinois River sauger draws applause from the MWC's Kristine Houtman

Rick Stange (pictured) and Tim Zwieg weighed 6.38 lbs on day one

MWC veteran Carol Chenier and Steve Pennaz discuss the bite on day one

Dennis Pollesch and Dennis Lantzy registered 9.05 lbs on the first day

Dennis Pollesch with two fat Illinois River saugers on day one at Spring Valley 2005

Gina Gasser and husband Chris had a good day one with 12.1 lbs and a 24th place standing

Russell Gahagan with 2 saugers from their fine 15.13lb, 5th place limit

Extreme conditions on the Illinois require extreme headgear

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