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Walleye Fishing -> General Discussion -> AIM fines
Message Subject: AIM fines
Posted 9/15/2010 3:25 PM (#94213 - in reply to #94211)
Subject: Re: AIM fines


Posts: 397

Location: Badgerland
"false information that someone thought they heard or heard from a friend who heard it from a friend who was in the back row of the audience watching the weight in" yes if this were the case in either of these incidents...
Amen if someone did that to me I would appreciate if they got thier info from the front row... and back @ ya on the well wishes, hope they come in handy @ this weekends event.
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Posted 9/15/2010 3:29 PM (#94214 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines

Location: Rhinelander
We are there on-site at many events and see and hear it all, pretty much. Most times, it's not what actually happened when one lines it all up and measures distance, intent, and consequence/effect; it's what each party involved believes (as in personal perception) happened. 'Heat of the moment' and not being in both boats at once listening and watching creates opportunity for a hell of allot of misunderstanding.

What's unfortunate for the sport is that 'camps' form up comprised of folks who support one point of view or another, and instead of finding out what each Pro was thinking and doing, post a bunch of assumptive, inflammatory, and even rude statements based on nothing more than " I heard".

Most times no one in a dispute like this one is 100% 'right'.

What's important for us as 'fans' to understand is how the process works, how personalities and styles collide, and what the sparks that might fly for awhile really, ultimately, actually mean.

What's important for the Pros to measure is how the 'fans' and media will react to their behavior/image/demeanor on and off the water; that ultimately is what a sponsor or potential promotional partner sees day to day. The assumption by some in the 'peanut gallery' is that the Pros don't comment on the message boards about this sort of stuff because they are prohibited to, and that's bunk. If the Pros are well versed in understanding the way this works, they will act in their own best interest, (and in this case HAVE) behave as consummate professionals, and stay out of train wreck internet message board 'free for alls'.

Hopefully, the trains won't run off the track much here.

It's a rainy crappy day, so I'm waxing philosophic..

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Rod Holder
Posted 9/15/2010 3:48 PM (#94216 - in reply to #94214)
Subject: Re: AIM fines


Posts: 43

This thread aroused my curiosity enough that I went to the AIM website and read the official tournament rules from beginning to end. There are no definitions of what would be construed as "unwarranted encroachment" on another tournament angler. There is nothing written about use of a marker buoy to establish an exclusive fishing area.

No wonder both professional anglers feel they've done nothing wrong. Could this possibly merit more clarity in the rules? Were I to know that I have to maintain 150' clearance from another tournament boat, I think I'd try to stay far enough away that there would never be a question of encroachment.
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Brian Hoffies
Posted 9/15/2010 4:16 PM (#94218 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: RE: AIM fines

My first impression is I don't necessarily believe any of what is written on a web site. Best I can tell most is hearsay or guessing, very little by the way of facts.

If there in fact was a rules violation it's between the involved parties and the tournament organization.

As far as deleting posts go..........hey If I wanted to control content I would have my own site. Nothing stopping any of us from starting our own site and running it as we see fit. For that matter nobody has a gun to anybodies head making them come here either.
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Posted 9/15/2010 6:15 PM (#94223 - in reply to #94214)
Subject: Re: AIM fines


Posts: 397

Location: Badgerland
sworrall - 9/15/2010 3:29 PM

It's a rainy crappy day , so I'm waxing philosophic..

you forgot to say "AGAIN" after It's a rainy crappy day.

Stay dry up there !
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Posted 9/15/2010 6:52 PM (#94224 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines

Location: Rhinelander
True enough. Or, possibly...'still'.
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Posted 9/15/2010 10:21 PM (#94225 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: RE: AIM fines


Posts: 40

you're a great waxer and philosophicalererer person, I don't care what anyone blogs!

Wait a second...I thought Sconnie muskies liked rainy weather, now get out there and send me some pics.
Fargo out~~
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Posted 9/15/2010 10:36 PM (#94226 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines

Location: Rhinelander
KJK, Good to hear from you, sir...I need to fish some. Simply haven't been!
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Posted 9/16/2010 9:17 AM (#94234 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines


Posts: 1656


HAHAHAHA I've read it all!!!!! That's funny stuff, Ritch.
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Posted 9/16/2010 9:37 AM (#94235 - in reply to #94234)
Subject: Re: AIM fines


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
Jayman - 9/16/2010 9:17 AM


HAHAHAHA I've read it all!!!!! That's funny stuff, Ritch.

Jayman, he knows, leave him alone.
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Posted 9/16/2010 12:21 PM (#94240 - in reply to #94235)
Subject: Re: AIM fines

Location: Rhinelander
CRR. A good thing.

Angler owned, a good thing.

Angler managed, an obvious thing.

And there it is. Disputes will happen.

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Posted 9/16/2010 5:18 PM (#94247 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines


Posts: 132

Looks like Mark Martin with a nice 28 inch fish.

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Posted 9/17/2010 2:01 PM (#94275 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: RE: AIM fines

I like tournaments, not interested in competing, but enjoy reading about them, following the results etc. and think that they are generally a good thing for walleye fishing and the communities where they are held. As a fairly well-informed fan, I'm all for letting AIM figure out how to run their own tourneys. The whole core of AIM seems to be "Angler Initiative", with good ideas like the CRR and high tech coverage. My opinion is, let them figure out their direction, and leave the Monday morning quarterbacking to football results. Anything else seems pretty whiney to me.
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Posted 9/18/2010 10:29 AM (#94288 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines

Location: Rhinelander
I agree. I also would challenge those who were not even close to being there who are willing to convict a Pro or Team of unsportsmanlike conduct to call each person they intend to bash and get their perspective. The 'anglers' or 'fans' who self righteously beat the hell out of someone they don't even know on the 'boards' because they 'heard from a Pro' or 'heard from someone' need to quit watching so many soap operas on daytime TV.

If indeed a Pro or Team did 'misbehave', a protest would be in order from the victim 'Pro' or 'Team' and the outcome of that protest should be accepted as what the Circuit says ACTUALLY happened after careful investigation. If none is filed and that Pro or Team goes public on the 'gossip' boards trying to impugn the reputation of the persons they 'THINK' offended them, that in my mind is eighth grade behavior by supposedly grown men. For cripes sake, if a complaint is real, make it so.

And that protest and decision would be the 'BIG story' some think would help acquire new fans. 'Gossip' that may not be actually the whole story, and might harm someone who doesn't deserve it sucks, hurts the sport, and isn't the way to promote competitive angling.

Sure, gossip of that genre will happen, but there's a place for it. Bars, for example. A copyrighted publication is NOT the place for it, for more reasons than I can list here.

Maybe someone should start a Pro angling Gossip Blog, unmoderated and listed as such so each post is the property of the person who posts it. Bet the advertisers would flock to it.

Or not.
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Rich S
Posted 9/18/2010 11:31 AM (#94289 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
Well said Steve.

Mark and I had witnessed what we thought was inappropriate behavior the 2nd day of an MWC event. It put us both in a foul mood for the rest ofthe day on the water. When we got to the weigh-in we started the protest procedure and quickly found out the reason behind their actions. They were instructed to do what they did by the tournament director and the whole situation was explained to us and turned out to be nothing. Had we not gone through the proper channels we would have been on these boards chastising this team for their actions without knowing the entire truth.

Always important to get all the facts before making negative public statements about somebody. These rumors get back to sponsors you can potentially have a negative impact on these guy's lives.

Lets try hugging instead of hating. Lets just hold one another until the pain is gone. So many problems in this world could be solved with hugs. To AIM, FLW, MWC and all other tournament directors-Start out the rules meeting with a group hug follwed by a 3 second pause. Give these guys a chance to spread the love to one another. Just a thought
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Posted 9/20/2010 11:11 AM (#94306 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines


Posts: 1656

Oh come on, Steve. I'm not a fan of Neckcar, but I sure do enjoy the highlights of one driver beating the hell out of another driver in the pits. That's news worthy.

To the best of my knowledge AIM has handed out the first fine in relation to pro fishing and the interaction between pros. Maybe I'm way off the mark, but to me as a fan, that is news worthy. Boring to the rest of the world, but news worthy to a walleye fan. I say tell the stories, it's what makes up the sport.
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Posted 9/20/2010 1:37 PM (#94310 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines

Location: Rhinelander
And the story was told. Accurately as is possible without sensationalizing.

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Posted 9/20/2010 5:13 PM (#94313 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines


Posts: 132

How about without all the desensationalizing?

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Posted 9/20/2010 6:16 PM (#94317 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: RE: AIM fines

sensationalization is not a word
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TJ DeVoe
Posted 9/20/2010 7:07 PM (#94319 - in reply to #94317)
Subject: Re: AIM fines


Posts: 1040

Location: Stevens Point, WI
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Posted 9/20/2010 7:11 PM (#94320 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: RE: AIM fines

sensationalized...is a word

sensationalization...is not a word
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Posted 9/20/2010 7:15 PM (#94321 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines

Location: Rhinelander
It is now. I just coined it, and I like it, too. I have sensationalized sensationalization of the word.

I did correct the above just for you.

And there you have it.

Where's the 'story' in THIS stuff?
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Posted 9/21/2010 7:34 AM (#94327 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines


Posts: 874

Location: Neenah, WI
Sensational use of the word, Steve. It put me into a constant state of sensationalized sensationalization.
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Posted 9/21/2010 9:42 AM (#94332 - in reply to #94327)
Subject: Re: AIM fines


Posts: 132

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Posted 9/23/2010 5:10 AM (#94369 - in reply to #94059)
Subject: Re: AIM fines

New User

Posts: 3

Okay here is my 2 cents. I also was a co-angler in this event and I fished with John Schneider on days 1 & 3 and Perry Good on day 2. John and Chad Schilling were fishing on the same area for almost the entire tournament. John finished 3rd to Robert and Jim Carrol. I seen the passes Jim Carrol was making on those days I was with John because they were on the inside of where we were. He made the same passes on the same area for 3 days straight. Now I also fish events also and I have had to share space on a hot pod of fish more than once.....But I also heard the reports of what happen from all invovled on that day Jim Carrol was not very happy about the situation one bit. The amount of distance one gives another angler and the fact that you may interupt a guys trolling pass has to be taken into effect. Some close distances were experienced but of those days I was near Jim Carrol and his trolling lines there was no one around him ever till Mr. Petersen pushed the distance limit. The funny thing was Chad and John would have playful banter trolling next to each other and they shared the area without messing with the others lines. That's all you got to really do is don't spook the fish for the next guy. Mr. Petersen got involved on that final day and did interrupt the pass by getting directly on Jim Carrol's pass to close. There are rules for a reason and respecting the other guy is just as important as trying to win it sometimes. Green Bay had a good bite even with the excessive wind for the tourny lots of water to be had by all. Look at Blosser he pounded waves made the longest run and had to put up with perch fishermen.....LOL Good luck fishing....Cam lewis

Edited by Crashtest7 9/23/2010 5:15 AM
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