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Walleye Fishing -> Walleye Boats and Motors -> Customizing a Terrova...who does it?
Message Subject: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?
Posted 5/17/2011 12:27 AM (#98433)
Subject: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 2567

Location: Manitowoc, WI
I have a 36v 60" Minn Kota Terrova with I-Pilot on my Lund Baron Magnum. Unfortunately the motor does not sit far enough into the water to perform at it's peak. How hard is it to lengthen the trolling motor shaft from 60" to 80"? Does anyone know a business or someone who does this?
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Posted 5/17/2011 5:27 AM (#98436 - in reply to #98433)
Subject: RE: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 1991

Jerry check with these guys http://www.motorclinic.com/
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Posted 5/17/2011 10:06 AM (#98444 - in reply to #98433)
Subject: RE: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 148

Jerry we can replace you shaft call me AVC Systems 920-865-5500 we are a MinnKota and Motor Guide asc Thanks Jim Pyle also one of my guys live in mantiwoc he could pick it up . thanks
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Posted 5/17/2011 10:29 AM (#98445 - in reply to #98433)
Subject: RE: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 148

The longest shaft Minnkota makes is a 60" shaft, sorry
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Posted 5/17/2011 1:51 PM (#98451 - in reply to #98445)
Subject: Re: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 1991

Duct Tape!
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Posted 5/17/2011 2:00 PM (#98452 - in reply to #98451)
Subject: Re: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
Don't be silly. super glue.
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Posted 5/17/2011 2:20 PM (#98454 - in reply to #98452)
Subject: Re: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 2567

Location: Manitowoc, WI
LOL......is anyone looking to buy a Terrova with I-Pilot???? It looks like mine will be for sale soon..........
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Posted 5/17/2011 2:23 PM (#98455 - in reply to #98454)
Subject: Re: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
So what would you do instead?
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Posted 5/17/2011 4:00 PM (#98456 - in reply to #98455)
Subject: Re: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 2567

Location: Manitowoc, WI
Put a Trollmaster on my T8 kicker.
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Posted 5/17/2011 4:09 PM (#98457 - in reply to #98433)
Subject: RE: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
Jim. Maybe you can call minnkota direct and get them to cut a 80" shaft. I am sure who ever makes the shafts for them makes them in long sticks and cuts them to length. Maybe the guys in the shop are the ones to talk to instead of the sales guys who only know how to read prices off a list, DOH!!! LOL
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Posted 5/17/2011 4:25 PM (#98458 - in reply to #98452)
Subject: Re: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 1991

Dennis there you go getting all technical on us!
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Fish Hound
Posted 5/17/2011 8:35 PM (#98460 - in reply to #98458)
Subject: Re: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 54

Even if they would sell you something it would probably void any type of warranty because the extended length may cause to much additional stress on the gear box, mount, or even the composite shaft itself.

Like Denny said though, never hurts to ask.
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Posted 5/17/2011 8:46 PM (#98461 - in reply to #98460)
Subject: Re: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 1656

Who are you kidding, Jerry? I know you're not going jigging in that big tub!
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Posted 5/17/2011 9:50 PM (#98463 - in reply to #98461)
Subject: Re: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 2567

Location: Manitowoc, WI
No, I am not a jigger, but I was hoping to use it to pull spinners. That boat is a tank...inside a tank!!! It's huge and it's the perfect trolling machine!! I'll make due with the T8 and put a Trollmaster on it.

I've got a great deal on a barely used Terrova with I-Pilot if anyone wants one!!!
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Posted 5/18/2011 8:55 AM (#98468 - in reply to #98433)
Subject: Re: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 57

Jerry put a EM on the big motor I love mine for pulling spinners over here on the Bay or the Lake. Let me know how much you want for the Terrova I might be in the market real soon.
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Posted 5/18/2011 10:11 AM (#98473 - in reply to #98468)
Subject: Re: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 2567

Location: Manitowoc, WI
Hey Mike!! I am asking $1,000 for it. It's been in the water once.

Edited by jerry 5/18/2011 10:12 AM
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Posted 5/18/2011 4:06 PM (#98484 - in reply to #98473)
Subject: Re: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?

I am on my work computer an can't log on so I am on as a guest. I am very interested in your Terrova. Can you email me at [email protected] ????
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Posted 5/20/2011 8:54 PM (#98515 - in reply to #98433)
Subject: RE: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?

I am also interested in the terrova
[email protected]
or cell 810-624-1272
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Posted 5/21/2011 6:33 AM (#98519 - in reply to #98515)
Subject: RE: Customizing a Terrova...who does it?


Posts: 2567

Location: Manitowoc, WI
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