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Walleye Fishing -> General Discussion -> Ok dont Laugh
Message Subject: Ok dont Laugh
Posted 6/16/2005 6:50 AM (#33515)
Subject: Ok dont Laugh


Posts: 7

Why in the fishing world do they refer to big fish as PIGS LOL!!!!!! in stead of thats a huge eye, or a giant muskie, no I caught 3 pigs LOL!!!!! and why also are the fish refered to in the female sence along with the boats " Boy she ran great this tourny she had no problems.

as I added this to my outdoor seminars "Having fun in the outdoors"

oh yea, one other thing Why do fishermen allways ues the word ABOUT when talking about fishing LOL!!!!

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walleye express
Posted 6/16/2005 7:09 AM (#33516 - in reply to #33515)
Subject: RE: Ok dont Laugh


Posts: 2680

Location: Essexville, MI./Saginaw Bay.
Pigs, because when they get that Big they take on a whole differnt shape similar to a PIG. Tiny heads with massive bodies.

The She part is obviously a word of indearment, along with what the Biggest walleyes really are. That along with the fact that anything we see as fickle, hard to please or intice and often needing extra care, lends itself to the female gender and the SHE monicur.

Because life and fishing really are a box of chocolates. And, because nothing is ever a sure thing when it comes to fishing. And fishermen in general have no schedules, the word ABOUT is a must. See you at the ramp about 5:30. Lets meet at the resturant about 6:00. We caught about 20. It was about here where we caught em. Did BOB tell you about our last trip? He weighed about 8 pounds. You can also reform your fishing stories, both their size and amount of the fish caught, because you only said ABOUT. Thats about all I have to say about that.

Edited by walleye express 6/16/2005 7:51 AM
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Posted 6/16/2005 8:56 AM (#33519 - in reply to #33515)
Subject: RE: Ok dont Laugh


Posts: 8

My wife boated a 27"er with 10 minutes fishing time left in the WWA tourney Sunday and it wasn't a pig...I think my exact words were " ITS A F-IN HORSE"
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Posted 6/16/2005 9:03 AM (#33520 - in reply to #33519)
Subject: RE: Ok dont Laugh

Location: Rhinelander
I call my big muskies (when I'm lucky enough to catch one) SLOBS, and big 'eyes piggies. No idea why, just sounds good to me.
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Posted 6/16/2005 9:40 AM (#33524 - in reply to #33520)
Subject: RE: Ok dont Laugh


Posts: 3899

C'mon Steve! You know John G stole Sloberoosky, and Slobosaurus from you!
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Posted 6/16/2005 12:14 PM (#33543 - in reply to #33515)
Subject: RE: Ok dont Laugh


Posts: 7

This is to funny LOL~!!!!!!

The horse one is pretty good, and the word about is good " We caught about 20 ya did or didnt LOL!!!!!!!!!!

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