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Walleye Fishing -> General Discussion -> Future Pro's.
Message Subject: Future Pro's.
walleye express
Posted 6/11/2007 2:38 PM (#57133)
Subject: Future Pro's.


Posts: 2680

Location: Essexville, MI./Saginaw Bay.
Ran a trip today with 3 adults and 3 of their kids. Right from the start they wanted to keep their fish seperate to see who was the better fishemen. I voluteered to run anything the kids wanted on their side of the boat. They did not like the spoons I had riged and wanted me to put on those pretty colored Rattle Tot's. I told them I was catching a lot of fish on spoons but would run what they wanted me to. I also put on a piece of crawler on the belly hook. Well, the kids catch was 11 and the adults were 15. But the kids fish were bigger on average.

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Posted 6/11/2007 4:35 PM (#57147 - in reply to #57133)
Subject: RE: Future Pro's.


Posts: 794

Location: Elgin, Illinois

You are a special guy to do that with and for those kids... They are the future of our sport (passion) and things like that hook them for life... Thanks to you for them and for all of us...
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walleye express
Posted 6/11/2007 5:20 PM (#57150 - in reply to #57147)
Subject: RE: Future Pro's.


Posts: 2680

Location: Essexville, MI./Saginaw Bay.
hgmeyer - 6/11/2007 5:35 PM


You are a special guy to do that with and for those kids... They are the future of our sport (passion) and things like that hook them for life... Thanks to you for them and for all of us...

I'll tell you something that I told them as I was cleaning their fish. I don't take that many kids on my charters. I'm often apprehensive about doing so as I often end up baby siting them as their grown up parents drink beer, let them crawl all over my boat and do anything they want to my equipment. These three kids today were the best well behaved, attentive kids I ever had on my boat, and I told them and their dads so.

Edited by walleye express 6/11/2007 5:21 PM
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