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Walleye Fishing -> Walleye Boats and Motors -> Winter Storage 175efi 2 stroke
Message Subject: Winter Storage 175efi 2 stroke
Gorilla Stick
Posted 10/2/2008 8:45 AM (#73950)
Subject: Winter Storage 175efi 2 stroke

So does eveybody take there engines into the dealer or do you do all the winter prep yourself?

I am thinking of doing it myself and wondering if anyone that did could give a few suggestions.... I plan on fogging, fuel stabalizer, lower unit, drain fuel from vapor seperator,lube linkage.

I am from Canada so winter is cold -30 and colder some times... does anyone run anti-freeze up into there engine?
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Posted 10/2/2008 9:18 AM (#73951 - in reply to #73950)
Subject: RE: Winter Storage 175efi 2 stroke

I ran a merc 175 EFI for six years and never took it in to be winterized once. I changed the gear lube, fogged it, drain fuel from seperator, and sea foamed the gas, and repacked the trailer bearings, worked well for me. Saves money and only takes probably 2-3 hours and well I have way more time than money.

Good Luck
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Posted 10/27/2008 2:33 PM (#74374 - in reply to #73950)
Subject: RE: Winter Storage 175efi 2 stroke

i pretty much get away with draining the lower unit oil.
make sure water is out of everything..

i have no need for fuel additives. my boat gets stored in dec and out in march.. in 3 months gas should not varnish up.
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Posted 10/27/2008 3:07 PM (#74379 - in reply to #74374)
Subject: RE: Winter Storage 175efi 2 stroke


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
The old saying applies here, "Pay me now, or pay me later". Someone does something for a living. LET THEM

PS, Bigs, your wrong, 30 days.

Edited by stacker 10/27/2008 3:08 PM
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Posted 11/2/2008 1:22 AM (#74493 - in reply to #73950)
Subject: RE: Winter Storage 175efi 2 stroke

1989 135 Merc, winterized once since new 3-4 months in the garage annually, changed plugs once a year and lower lube every year in the spring, changed water pump once could use a grease job on stearing joints, but I do believe the old saying applies "They don't make 'em like they used too!" I'd recomend a bit more care on the newer rigs made in todays market but my Merc has treated me well for 20 years.
Good Luck
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