Posts: 744
| http://www.wbay.com/Global/story.asp?S=9849388
My sympathies to the family. A tragedy in every sense. |
Posts: 1314
Location: Menasha, WI | A sad day indeed. My prayers go out to the family that lost their loved ones but especially to the little girl still struggling to survive.

Location: Rhinelander | There was another similar incident this weekend. Be careful out there, the ice on the big waters can be very fickle. Our condolences to the family and friends of those lost in both accidents. |
Posts: 1656
| Truely a sad day for all Spearers of Winnebago. It really turns your stomach into a knot when you learn of the accident and your friends, standing among you, have two little girls running around on the ice.
My condolences to the familys and loved ones of this terrible accident. |
Posts: 103
| I was there when the two girls were pulled out . It was a very sad thing to see my heart goes out to the familys and friends. |