| Looking for the heated thread that turned into a bunch of cool chuck norris JOKES? where was it again! it was great by the way! but need to pass on a couple of those great jokes thanks Brad |
Posts: 744
| http://walleye.outdoorsfirst.com/board/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=1... |
Posts: 6
| http://www.chucknorrisfacts.com/ |
Posts: 3899
| Jack Bauer would make Chuck Norris confess! |
| Wow for those who helped out thank you and Chuck would be proud! for those of you that didnt step up..... you think your safe? Chuck may not know where you live...BUT he knows where you will die! |
Posts: 2567
Location: Manitowoc, WI | Chuck Norris never jokes........... |
| Chuck Norris is washed up! Tell me where he is!!!! I may have to interrogate him, and I don't want you to be involved in that. It's not going to be pretty! Now, I will ask you again. Tell me whare he is!!!!!! |
| Sorry but 24 has jumped the shark!! I've been a huge fan and I own every season on DVD. I've spent time in DC and it's inpossibel to swim under the Whitehouse.
Cloe |
| I don't know who the imposter Jack is but it's obviously not me because I can spell my last name correctly. Chole what are you doing not manning the computer I need to track somebody. Plus the show is going great and soon there will be a movie coming out.
PS Chucks a punk |
Posts: 859
Location: Appleton wi | jack bauer will never be the real deal.He not even a real fighter !
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