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Walleye Fishing -> General Discussion -> MWC and Komo
Message Subject: MWC and Komo
Posted 3/29/2009 10:06 PM (#79595)
Subject: MWC and Komo


Posts: 1991

I see Komo finished 26 th 
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john mannerino
Posted 3/30/2009 7:24 AM (#79601 - in reply to #79595)
Subject: Re: MWC and Komo


Posts: 1188

Location: Chicago IL.
Yea. He did some adusting and moved up 51 spots on sunday. Nice move Mark and Ken.
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Rich S
Posted 3/30/2009 7:25 AM (#79602 - in reply to #79595)
Subject: Re: MWC and Komo


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
Nice job brother!!! Pray for no more precipitation now
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Posted 3/30/2009 7:26 AM (#79603 - in reply to #79601)
Subject: Re: MWC and Komo


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin

Great comer back from day one Komo.


Looks like Schimitty had a hard day at the office on Sunday. I hope both guys report on how it went.

Edited by Sunshine 3/30/2009 7:39 AM
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Posted 3/30/2009 8:07 AM (#79609 - in reply to #79603)
Subject: Re: MWC and Komo


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
Mark, way to stick to it and adjust accordingly. Good finish
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Mark Komo
Posted 3/30/2009 8:46 AM (#79611 - in reply to #79595)
Subject: Re: MWC and Komo


Posts: 1195

Location: Orland Park, IL
When we looked out the window of the our fabulous accommadations at the Tiki, I almost past out. You get everything on that river, fast currents, high, dirty water, bad weather, barge traffic. And its never the same one day to the next.

We jigged on Friday, with water temps over 50, and found a good bite going near the dam through Starved Rock launch. Saturday was the same way, a decent enough jig bite. Plenty of fish in the system, but legals didnt show their face much. Did find a 22 inch sheepshead, a 10 flathead, and a 15 lb Asian Carp (man, that 6lb fireline works). We should have moved from jigs to cranks on Saturday, but didnt. Too stubborn I guess. We wanted to jig a limit, and crank for upgrades.

Sunday, the river came up a tad, and looked like current increased. Clarity dropped some, and after the 5 inches of snow in spring valley, we were curious how the river looked. We jigged for a couple of hours, and made a big move in location and tactics. Water temp on the humminbird read 44.7, a pretty good drop.

First we went to floating jigs on 3 ways, nice and slow. Some small fish. So, we figured the fish were just as pissed as us.
Then went straight to cranks and started grinding.

A lot of folks were running the same colors and types, ie F5 - F7 in flourescents. We went bigger and stranger, color that is. Ken D. kept two colors that were somewhat working, and I just kept changing on every pass. 2 new colors every pass. And they were getting bit. For instance, as soon as the sun came out and it got sunny, immediately put on an original clown for flash factor. Got cloudy, went to a dark crankbait. We had to sort earlier, but were culling later in the day.

Hats off to Adam and Pinky. Great win guys. And #2 Steve Skupien and Dave Z. Glad to see the river crew stick some fish. Spring Valley and Spring Valley Walleye Club did an excellent job on ramp and fishing. Man, they busted their arses and it showed. Everything went pretty smooth.
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Posted 3/30/2009 11:15 AM (#79627 - in reply to #79611)
Subject: Re: MWC and Komo


Posts: 3899

Good job Komo!
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Posted 3/30/2009 12:40 PM (#79638 - in reply to #79595)
Subject: Re: MWC and Komo


Posts: 921

Location: Manitowoc, WI
Great job Mark!
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Posted 3/31/2009 12:56 AM (#79680 - in reply to #79595)
Subject: RE: MWC and Komo


Posts: 794

Location: Elgin, Illinois

Handline or poleline?
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Posted 3/31/2009 7:26 AM (#79685 - in reply to #79595)
Subject: RE: MWC and Komo

had a great time, komo is fun to fish with and a great partner, we pulled the cranks on a 3 way
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Mark Komo
Posted 3/31/2009 9:24 AM (#79696 - in reply to #79595)
Subject: Re: MWC and Komo


Posts: 1195

Location: Orland Park, IL
Was thinking about polelining, but decided to put away the handline stuff. We need to cover water faster. And as you know, handlining is more side to side than up and down. 3 Ways with cranks worked for us on sunday, but we had a good jig bite going on Fri and Sat. I am learning when to put down the jig rods, as its pretty hard for a jigger.
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Rich S
Posted 3/31/2009 9:44 AM (#79699 - in reply to #79595)
Subject: Re: MWC and Komo


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
I still have not learned that lesson Mark
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