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Walleye Fishing -> Walleye Boats and Motors -> Tuffy boats
Message Subject: Tuffy boats
Posted 2/10/2011 7:04 PM (#96541)
Subject: Tuffy boats

New User

Posts: 2

I was considering the 1890 or the 2060. I fish on lake michigan for smallmouth mainly so need a boat that can handle rough water. I have never been in a tuffy how do these boats compaire to the ride of a 619 or 620. Also wondering if there is a big difference between the 1890 and 2060 in handling and speed. (the 2060 would be a tight fit in the garage) thanks
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Posted 2/10/2011 8:19 PM (#96543 - in reply to #96541)
Subject: RE: Tuffy boats


Posts: 49

He is right there is no comparison, the Tuffy is dryer , faster, cheaper. The Ranger is a nice boat but the 2060 is an excellent boat for your needs. I have had one for five years fished LOW m Devils lake and Mille lacs every week of the open water season that I was not at LOW etc. I have fished and ridden in both boats Ranger has image and a large following of people who can,t see the emperor has no clothes if you get my drift . The Ranger rides rougher in bad water , with that said there is a point where no 20 ft boat should go . The fit and finish is better in a ranger but performance wise nollo contendo ,the Tuffy is the better boat , In rough water you can get right up to the side of the Tuffy with both feet on the floor to land a fish or bring in the anchor , This is not possible in the ranger, that is important to me when I fish alone at nite something most of these Ranger supporting "pros" never do . Think about all the options .You won,t go wrong with either but the Tuffy performs better at the things important to me. Figure out what is important to you knowing the Tuffy does these things better than the 620 and 621 Ranger . I am not a "pro"I am just a guy who pays his own money for a boat and demands that it perform. With that said the 2060 handles big water better than the 1890 and it is faster . again either will work for you Sorry to be so long winded
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Posted 2/10/2011 8:43 PM (#96544 - in reply to #96543)
Subject: Re: Tuffy boats


Posts: 1991

I have the 1890 it has handled evrything I have thrown at it, Green Bay, Millelacs, Lake Pepin no problem, rides awesome and super dry oh fast with a 200. I have never been in a 2060 so I cant comment on that one. Find someone who has one and go for a ride that is what I did.
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Posted 2/10/2011 10:16 PM (#96545 - in reply to #96541)
Subject: Re: Tuffy boats

New User

Posts: 2

Thanks guys. I am sure that the 2060 is probably a better ride than the 1890 just do to size but is it at all comprable. Not sure if the 2060 will fit in the garage. Does anyone have any performance spec on these two boats.
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Posted 2/11/2011 5:08 AM (#96546 - in reply to #96545)
Subject: Re: Tuffy boats


Posts: 1991

1890 with a 200 expect 58/59 in fish fighting weight
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Posted 2/11/2011 5:53 AM (#96547 - in reply to #96546)
Subject: Re: Tuffy boats


Posts: 650

2060 would be the ultimate. BIG. Of course big to tow and big to store. I fish alot of bass events with a 1760. when up next to a 20 ft bassboat, fishing room is the same. Nice ride which has kept me safe for 2 years in some serious stuff.
I'd say the 1890 with a 200 to be great pick. get the dual console if you care about your friends. Don't forget the rear deck is removable and goes in and out easy. We leave it out most times for the wide open cockpit. seating options are great. Kirt has a great idea of ordering his boat with out the bases and put them where he wanted.
last tip would be to order you 1890 in blue jewel, when you pick it up you will cry... you need any info on setting it up bass wise, drop me a PM.
good luck with your choice.
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Posted 2/11/2011 4:58 PM (#96555 - in reply to #96541)
Subject: RE: Tuffy boats

There is a reason that there is a 10 to 1 ratio of ranger to tuffy. ranger far outperforms any boat on the market in big rough water. I am not a pro, i just demand the best for the money and fishability. The rangers give me that and fit and finish are far superior to the tuffy.
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Mud Duck
Posted 2/11/2011 5:29 PM (#96556 - in reply to #96555)
Subject: RE: Tuffy boats


Posts: 273


I sent you a pm with my phone number. Feel free to call me concerning the 2060. I currently own one and really the like performance.
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Posted 2/13/2011 9:32 PM (#96569 - in reply to #96541)
Subject: Re: Tuffy boats

Location: Rhinelander
'There is a reason that there is a 10 to 1 ratio of ranger to tuffy'

Yes there is. Ranger's massive advertising budget and National and International distribution VS a Regional builder with a tiny ad budget and distribution to a few states. Fiberdome builds the 2060 and new 2100 to fit a niche market, and they do a very good job. Had a couple died in the wool Ranger guys looking over the 2100 today, and they said they were very impressed.

Both are great boats. Decide what you want out of the product, how much you want to spend, ride in both, and make an educated decision.
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Posted 2/14/2011 9:35 AM (#96572 - in reply to #96555)
Subject: RE: Tuffy boats


Posts: 3899

Guest - 2/11/2011 4:58 PM

There is a reason that there is a 10 to 1 ratio of ranger to tuffy. ranger far outperforms any boat on the market in big rough water. I am not a pro, i just demand the best for the money and fishability. The rangers give me that and fit and finish are far superior to the tuffy.

There is also a reason that Ranger has been financially unstable the past couple years, and Tuffy is the most financially stable boat manufacturer on the market today.

Far outperforms? I think not. Ranger makes a great boat, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't far outperform a Tuffy, or a Skeeter, or a Lund. Might not even perform as well as some of the above in some conditions, in my opinion.

If by fit and finish, you mean prettier, you might be right. Ranger does have lots of pretty in it. But there isn't anything a Ranger has or can do that my Tuffy won't.

Edited by Shep 2/14/2011 9:36 AM
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Posted 2/18/2011 8:40 AM (#96664 - in reply to #96541)
Subject: Re: Tuffy boats

New User

Posts: 2

I chose a Tuffy and I'm 11 years happy,dry and recovered from my tailbone injuries.What were you in an Esox?CraigM said it all.
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Posted 2/18/2011 8:47 AM (#96666 - in reply to #96572)
Subject: RE: Tuffy boats


Posts: 49

when the water softens and I return from AZ, I will be glad to show you how a Tuffy rides and you can leave your rain coat. As I said before I have experience in Both Boats I happen to prefer the drier faster smoother ride or the Tuffy . .
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Posted 2/18/2011 7:24 PM (#96674 - in reply to #96541)
Subject: Re: Tuffy boats

Location: Rhinelander
Both are great boats. Decide what you want out of the product, how much you want to spend, ride in both, and make an educated decision.
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Posted 2/18/2011 8:27 PM (#96675 - in reply to #96541)
Subject: RE: Tuffy boats

I currently do not own a Tuffy but can speak to the performance of the top quality 2060 model. Let me explain. My good friend allowed me to use his 2060 at the 2008 MWS Championship tournament on Green Bay. I can sum up this boat in one word, AWESOME. This boat is by far the best I have ever fished from. The ride is very smooth and dry. The interior is spacious with lots of storage for gear. The 2060 is a very stable platform for all methods of fishing. My next boat will be a Tuffy.
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Posted 2/20/2011 11:42 AM (#96693 - in reply to #96541)
Subject: Re: Tuffy boats


Posts: 197

I have an 1890 and I fish the bay and bago in all conditions. I think the 2060 slices the waves better then the 1890 but I am very happy with the way the 1890 handles waves and goes 54 mph. My partner in Otter street was very impressed with the ride and the way it took big waves. He has a 620 Ranger. I have been in some pretty rough stuff in his boat and I would say the Tuffy can go faster in rough water. Just my two cents.
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PK Ripper
Posted 2/20/2011 7:48 PM (#96699 - in reply to #96541)
Subject: RE: Tuffy boats

I've been in and driven rangers and tuffys in the models in question. Hands down ranger all the way, except for the tuffy is a bit faster. The rangers are a very solid boat. A few times I thought the throttle boxes were going to flex right off the side of a few tuffys. You get what you pay for.
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Posted 2/21/2011 8:43 AM (#96704 - in reply to #96541)
Subject: Re: Tuffy boats

Location: Rhinelander
Anonymous bull.

The cap on the Tuffy models is solid as a rock and doesn't flex because it is not structural to the hull and deck integrity and doesn't flex at all under power even in very rough water, and there's no flex at the throttle box at all. On the GT and some of the older models, the throttle box is mounted to an aluminum plate on the liner side tank, and that does move a bit, but will outlast this guys ability to assist the farmers in manure spreading.

The 2011 models are all flush mount now as well.

I have no issues with someone offering actual criticism that isn't brand bashing, but that one is absolute crap.
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Posted 2/21/2011 9:17 AM (#96705 - in reply to #96699)
Subject: RE: Tuffy boats


Posts: 1991

PK Ripper - 2/20/2011 7:48 PM

I've been in and driven rangers and tuffys in the models in question. Hands down ranger all the way, except for the tuffy is a bit faster. The rangers are a very solid boat. A few times I thought the throttle boxes were going to flex right off the side of a few tuffys. You get what you pay for.

Really I must be missing something? No flexing on my Tuffy my 1890 after 3 years had no flexing or cracks at all. Rock solid! I had a choice between a Ranger and a Tuffy in 2009 and I still have a Tuffy in the garage!
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Posted 2/21/2011 11:01 AM (#96706 - in reply to #96541)
Subject: Re: Tuffy boats


Posts: 67

I will agree with Kirt and Steve on that one, my 2060 is bullet proof and we run in some pretty nasty stuff on the Bay. I only have a 200 on the back of mine and I will get the hole shot on all Rangers with larger motors and when it comes to rough conditions you can't beat the 2060 for cutting through waves guess that is why the Rangers follow my wake in rough water.
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Posted 2/21/2011 11:26 PM (#96726 - in reply to #96541)
Subject: Re: Tuffy boats

Location: Rhinelander
It's interesting, isn't it? All the bashing and attacks are from anonymous snipers. I could announce annonymously that I had troubles with anything...no accountability and obviously total crap. I have owned a dozen Tuffy Deep V's, and never ONCE had the cap flex at the throttle. If ever I did have that happen, I would have had the folks at the 'Dome' address the issue immediately.

Since I handled customer service personally for nearly 15 years until our relationship changed with Fiberdome recently, I know what warranty issues were addressed, brought in for warranty repair, and changed as a result in older models. I worked at the office managing the Tuffy division with Steve Bendall for a number of years, and can tell you Fiberdome is driven to offer a great product at a great price. Have they ever had an issue? Yes. Did they take care of those issues quickly, and accomdate the owners as best as possible? Yes.

Ranger has had some serious issues over the years as well. They corrected them as they showed up, and continued to improve their product as a result. That goes for most all boat builders.

Ranger shoots for a different market segment in the Fisherman series than Tuffy does with their Osprey, and it's obvious most who own Rangers are very happy. So are most Tuffy owners. I have seen models of both brands that were destroyed due to some sort of failure. That's why both companies offer a warranty; in case there is ever an issue. I have spent the last ten years spending a considerable amount my Springs and Summers at at nearly every major competitive walleye angling event out there. I see it all, I see the failures in boats, outboards, trailers, electronics, and much more, but I don't spout stupidity about it. Bashing just makes you look like you have nothing to offer positive about YOUR personal choice.

Ride both, select the boat that fits you best, and pay absolutely no attention to anyone who finds it necessary to speak poorly of one brand to promote the one they run. Bad business, and shows exactly how immature one can be.

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