
Location: Rhinelander | I hope the day chasing big 'eyes on BBDN was exactly how you would choose to spend your birthday!! Happy B day, Zach! How old are you? 40, or something? |
Posts: 2567
Location: Manitowoc, WI | Happy Birthday Old Man!!! Are you really 40??? |
Posts: 389
| Happy Birthday Zach! Spending the day chasing eyes was a WAY BETTER way to spend the day, than the way I spent my birthday on Saturday.....driving 9 hours back from Washington DC, in the rain! Oh well....maybe I'll get to do something fun next year.
Did you finally hit the 40 mark??? Ya Puppy! I got you beat by a year. LOL
Hope you had a good one!
Juls |
Posts: 1188
Location: Chicago IL. | Happy b-day buddy. 40 is not as 44.
Hope things are well, John Mannerino#473 |
| Happy Birthday... |

Location: Rhinelander | He's not 40 yet, he just LOOKS it. |
Posts: 72
Location: Plover, WI | Happy b-day Zach...Good luck to getting one heck of a belated present on saturday afternoon. |