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Walleye Fishing -> General Discussion -> Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed
Message Subject: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed
Posted 6/7/2005 10:10 AM (#33147)
Subject: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 226

Location: Oshkosh,WI
I am having a hard time writing this but I cant stress boat safety enough after seeing what happened to my uncle and a couple of friends last night, one being his best friend. We lost a great friend that words couldnt even begin to explain what kind of person Al was. For his wife and kids who are coming here from Michigan, I cant begin to imagine how they feel or what they are going through. My uncles boat was involved in a serious crash last nite throwing all 3 people out of the boat. One guy is doing ok, my uncle is in the hospitol with spine and rib injuries and Al is with the God above.
Tyee (Rodger) is helping to get things inorder today as rental cars and all that stuff had to be taken care of.
Please please take a minute to say a prayer for the families and friends. If you could have only known Al....
The tears will fall today boys but this is a huge eye opener for everyone. You never know when, or what or why something like this will happen.
Thank you all for your support and I'm sure rodger will apreciate it also.


Al, you were a good man and touched a lot of peoples lives. You will be missed dearly. Keep a heavelny look over your family.
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Posted 6/7/2005 10:21 AM (#33148 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin

My heart-felt sorrow goes out to you, Roger and the entire family. If there is anything that I can do please just ask and it will be done. My prayers are with you and the entire family.
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Posted 6/7/2005 11:46 AM (#33149 - in reply to #33148)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 1382

All are in our prayers.
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Posted 6/7/2005 12:39 PM (#33152 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed

Location: WI
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Posted 6/7/2005 12:53 PM (#33154 - in reply to #33152)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 363

Location: Kaukauna WI
Call me if you need any thing assisted with I will do my best to be thier for you as you would be for any of us.
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Posted 6/7/2005 1:06 PM (#33155 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed

My prayers and sympathy to you and your family and friends...
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Posted 6/7/2005 1:26 PM (#33156 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Our prayers are with the families.
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Posted 6/7/2005 5:04 PM (#33162 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 201

Location: Jackson, Wisconsin 53037
you your family and your friends are in my prayers.
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Posted 6/7/2005 5:33 PM (#33163 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 226

Location: Oshkosh,WI

Words cannot express the feelings that I have after seeing all of your support. Time and time again on these messgae boards fisherman ask for help or support for cituations like this. And every time the outcry of support comes. I do not care how many people dislike each other on these boards but it has to show that we are all still humans with big hearts. Where else can you have people that you dont know give you support for something that has no bearing on themselves. All aside, I beleive that when a man is in need another will help, period. That means a lot to me and everone else that has been in these circumstances.
You guys are all top noth people in my book!

The link above is from the paper and is the most accurate for details. There is a lot of other stuff out there which does not explain what truly happened. My uncle is stable with 2,3,4,5 vertabrae in his neck damaged with the 3 being crushed, a broken jaw and some broken ribs. He will undergo a tremendous uphill battle the next few days with surgeries and a long recovery.

Again, Thank you from the bottom of my heart and god bless you all.

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Posted 6/7/2005 5:41 PM (#33164 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 701

Location: upper michigan
It is always a sad thing to loose some one you love. I hope and pray that those who survived will be able to fish another day.
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Little Nephew
Posted 6/7/2005 5:42 PM (#33165 - in reply to #33163)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 88

Location: Fond du Lac, Wi
you uncle and the other famlies are in mine and my wifes prayers. Here's to a speedy recover for you uncle.
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Posted 6/7/2005 5:53 PM (#33169 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 8

I've said my prayer. GOD does listen.
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Posted 6/7/2005 5:56 PM (#33170 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 201

Location: Colgate, WI

My family extends our sympathy for your lose and will keep your uncle in our heart and prayers wishing him a speedy recovery.

God Bless,

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wolf walleye
Posted 6/7/2005 9:04 PM (#33173 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 207

Location: shawano,WI
Troy I just saw it on the news and didnt know until I hopped on the computer but I am sorry for your loss, and will keep all in our prayers.
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Posted 6/7/2005 9:15 PM (#33174 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 152

Location: Appleton WI
the families are in our prayers. we were fishing in Winneconnie and saw the boat go through. hope your uncle has a quick recovery
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Posted 6/7/2005 10:18 PM (#33176 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 284

Hope everything turns out ok. God bless. You and yours will be in my families prayers.
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Posted 6/7/2005 10:33 PM (#33177 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 1406

Thanks guys as many of you know I can be vocal on a lot of topics and quite often off key. We all have our choice for recreation and the risks we take everyday to enjoy the many things we do. I would like to add that like Troy said take what you hear with a grain of salt as much of it is misconstrued. Todd plays a big part in boating in WI and was by no means a novice to this body of water as we have traveled this same path for many many years. He undergoes surgery in the morning and we will be attending a funeral for a dear friend later in the week.

Although as tragic as this is it is very heartwarming to hear your prayers, and we can't thank you enough, it is greatly appreciated!
Good Luck
Rod Eberly aka Tyee
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walleye express
Posted 6/8/2005 7:33 AM (#33182 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 2680

Location: Essexville, MI./Saginaw Bay.
It's so very hard to figure out why tragic things like this happen to the people we love and respect the most. And most often, the timing and circumstances surounding these tragidies, only magnify it's misunderstandings and grief. He was to young. It wasn't his time. He was a great guy with a family to take care of. It's simply not fair. And during the hardest of these first few days ahead, someone will eventually tell you that he's in a better place and that time will heal all wounds. And it really will. But God, it's not an easy thing to hear at the time, or an easy healing process for us mere mortals to truly understand. I know and feel that there really is a God above. But I prefer his heavenly plans for us and the way he carries them out stay a mystry to me. Because it's this blind faith that keeps me/us from holding a prolonged grudge agains't the God that not only gave us life, but this special person we're so dearly going to miss as well.

Edited by walleye express 6/8/2005 11:12 AM
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Posted 6/8/2005 8:08 AM (#33186 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 580

Location: Green Bay, WI

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
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Posted 6/8/2005 6:41 PM (#33212 - in reply to #33147)
Subject: RE: Guys, Please Be Safe On The Water....Prayers Needed


Posts: 376

Location: Menominee MI, In Da UP Eh?
Consider Prayers sent!

And guys and gals, be safe out there.
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