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Walleye Fishing -> General Discussion -> Makeing tournament fishing more interesting
Message Subject: Makeing tournament fishing more interesting
Posted 7/25/2005 6:06 PM (#34589)
Subject: Makeing tournament fishing more interesting


Posts: 701

Location: upper michigan
I dont know what it would take and if its even possible to have cameras in the boats with live or slight time delay links to the acton in the boat. Kids fishing events at docks casting turnaments small fishing derby's I know this all takes alot of volanteer help but local walleye clubs like my own really get into that stuff.

Edited by butch 7/25/2005 9:05 PM
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Posted 7/25/2005 10:53 PM (#34599 - in reply to #34589)
Subject: RE: Makeing tournament fishing more interesting


Posts: 279

Location: Rockford MN
This has worked for other tours, maybe it's time the walleye tours got into the 21 century! Sponsors complain about not getting results, well there you go! Get with the program! You sponsor these guys, if you feel you aren't getting enough USE the guys more! Instead of meet the pro night make this a full out event and after weigh-in make some guys stick around to work booths or tables. I'm sure that even though we have tons to do rigging and what not, guys would be willing to WORK for the sponsors they have! Bass tours are kicking our butts, they make the guys available to the public during the events!
Tours cry about staying a float and expect us to carry them, they need to work for it just like we do! Sponsors want more, ASK or come and get it! Its right there for the taking, someone needs to see the fact! On the water is nothing to a sponsor it's all off the water that counts!!!! Come on out and get the people involved, you will see results! Its worked in every sport why not this one? Jump in the boats on the great bites and show the people the excitement when a 8lb fish is caught or a 10! It blows my mind that tours sit on there hands or sell sponsors on the fact that have been around the longest or they have the most major players! Think the sponsor really cares if the top guys are fishing you're tour, what do they gain if they get ZERO in return? One little patch on a few guys shirts is not worth there investment! EXPOSSURE is the key, 1 booth at an event will reach the public more than a 6 second slice of video of john doe wearing a shirt with 20 sponsors on it! Big time sponsors (ones out of the industry) right now have ZERO to gain from the way things are being run, show them who what why and they will be in! GET the public and you can get the sponsors! " The Show" is what brings them in not the tour or even the guys! Until they know who we are and what we do, the public has NO INTEREST!
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