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Walleye Fishing -> General Discussion -> Shore line Sports Center
Message Subject: Shore line Sports Center
Jimmy B
Posted 6/13/2007 8:03 PM (#57298)
Subject: Shore line Sports Center

Are they Open, I call the Number a got a fax Line

Jimmy B
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Posted 6/14/2007 8:27 AM (#57322 - in reply to #57298)
Subject: Re: Shore line Sports Center

Location: Rhinelander
They seem to be open some, closed some. No rhyme or reason to it, lately.
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Posted 6/14/2007 10:55 PM (#57351 - in reply to #57298)
Subject: RE: Shore line Sports Center


Posts: 31

Well, word is that they are closing the doors for good, shortly. Since they were the primary reason Diane and I had to move our shop to a new location, you'll have to excuse me if I don't shed a tear. All in all though, the move has turned out to be a blessing in disguise, and we are much happier where we are now.

Anyway, as far as the walleye bite on the bay goes, we've been getting mixed reports. Lots of smaller fish being caught in the north end of the bay. You'll have to sort thru lots of undersized fish to get any keepers. Guys trolling for suspended fish have been catching more keepers.

The bite off of Ford River has been hot for numbers and bigger fish - if you have the right conditions. If there are a couple days of strong south or east wind pounding into the shore line, making the water dirty, the walleye fishing can be fantastic. Slow troll harnesses or crankbaits. Trolling after dark with cranks has also been good.

Alewives aren't in yet, and the big mayfly hatches haven't started. They usually start around the third week of the month - so any day now.

Smallmouth fishing has been excellent. That's the game I've been mostly playing. Been picking up a few walters while running goby jigs for smallies. Salmon fishing is just getting started.

If you want to know what's happening on the bay, feel free to call us at (906) 786-1488, or email at [email protected], or PM me here.

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