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Regional Walleye Fishing -> Winnebago Walleyes -> Sauger update!
Message Subject: Sauger update!
Posted 1/13/2018 2:04 PM (#116479)
Subject: Sauger update!


Posts: 174

Here's an update from Adam on the Sauger stocking program.

The sauger rehabilitation program took place from 2001-2010. The number of females spawned each year from fyke netting ranged from 8-92 fish depending on how netting went. All fry stocked during that time period were OTC marked and YOY caught during the trawling assessment were evaluated. This time around we plan to use genetics for evaluating stocking success or natural reproduction that may occur during the study. During 2011-2016 when fry stocking didn’t occur we seen very limited natural reproduction. This year there were 597,500 fry stocked near Berlin in the upper Fox River. We have not captured any YOY during trawling on Winnebago yet. If we do, we plan to take fin clips for genetics.

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Posted 5/6/2018 8:19 AM (#116537 - in reply to #116479)
Subject: Re: Sauger update!


Posts: 174

Here's a bit pf an update for this spring: The shocking boat this spring found a good number of fish upriver on the Wolf. Unfortunately many fish spawned in the main river early and then the water level went way up which was not good. Hopefully the late arrivals that spawned in the marshes will get a good hatch. We will not really know until the trawler is out in summer. Once again, few fish were tagged on the upper Fox .

The Sauger project on Winnebago has gone well so far but once again we have not caught nearly enough females. We had about 500,000 eggs the other day and I am working on getting updated numbers. A lot of Perch this year and quite a few Lake spawning Walleyes. The Sauger we are catching in the nets are older fish from when we last ran the hatchery which is not good!

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