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Regional Walleye Fishing -> Wolf River Walleyes -> Ice out count down 2014
Message Subject: Ice out count down 2014
Posted 11/25/2013 1:55 PM (#111015)
Subject: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
The river has lots of bergs coming down today. The last few days allowed docks areas to freeze and today the wind is moving that ice. I don't think it will be much longer and it will seal tight. If you were to launch a boat, careful is what I would tell you. Ramps will ice up instantly and bergs will make it dangerous. If you end up in the water now, you don't have long. Don't be a tough guy, be a smart guy. I will update as needed.

I am going back to April 1st as the ice out date.
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Posted 11/25/2013 2:35 PM (#111016 - in reply to #111015)
Subject: RE: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
here is some photos.

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Posted 11/29/2013 9:39 AM (#111029 - in reply to #111016)
Subject: RE: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin

As you may have figured out with all the cold weather, the river froze. There are spots left but she is pretty much covered. Ice up is called on Thanksgiving day 2013 Novemeber, 28.

That starts the count down at 123 days and a wake up. Enjoy winter and be safe.

Edited by stacker 11/29/2013 9:40 AM
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Posted 12/5/2013 9:05 AM (#111063 - in reply to #111015)
Subject: RE: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
Just wanted to do a quick update.

The ice was eaten away by the warm weather and rain. The center of the channel pretty much went ice free except for a jam here and there. The shelf ice from the end of docks inward is still all iced in. With the wind today I can see some of it breaking off. What does this mean? If the wind lays down, we will have a nice smooth frozen surface ahead of us. Snowmobiles and winter fun will have a playground.

116 and a wake up. Don't forget Brian Brosdahl will be at The Reel Shot Wednesday the 11th at 5 pm if you enjoy iced panfish talk. Another date you want to circle February 28 March 1 and 2 for the N.E.W. Sport show in Appleton. I had a hint on what they are going to do and it sounds like it will be a must attend event.
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Posted 1/6/2014 2:40 PM (#111168 - in reply to #111063)
Subject: RE: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
Man is it cold out today!! minus 15 right now in Fremont. The back waters have 15 inches of ice and the main channel is a foot in many areas I have been. But ya know what? There is current.

84 and a wake up!!
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Posted 2/6/2014 4:10 PM (#111273 - in reply to #111168)
Subject: RE: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
The backwaters now have 25 Inches of Ice and the main channel has over 20 on many areas. 53 and a wake up. Thank god we have lots of snow up north, should get the waters racing and eat away this pack down here.

N.E.W. sport show is in Appleton Feb 28-March 1-2

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Posted 2/21/2014 11:11 AM (#111338 - in reply to #111273)
Subject: RE: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
After the rain yesterday, a lot of run off hit the river. It has pooled up on top in many areas. I just talked to a friend who drilled a hole with less than 6 inches of ice. We went down to work on our docks and there is mush around most the poles you can stick a shovel handle right through. I will be watching over the next few days to see if water wells up around them.

38 and a wake up!!

NEW Sport fishing show at players choice in Appleton feb 28 march 1-2 come down and see Tuffy boats at Fort Fremonts Booth.

Edited by stacker 2/21/2014 11:13 AM
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Posted 3/7/2014 3:03 PM (#111412 - in reply to #111338)
Subject: RE: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
24 and a wake up.

Drilled a hole outside the docks in 9ft of water, had about 15 inches of ice. Drilled by a piling, 6 inches.

Lots of melting going on today. This should help the spring start to feed the system and get the currents to pick up.

First River tournament is April 5th. Will she be open or closed.

Just to let you guys know, Marianne Huskey will be at Anglers bar and bait shop on March 15th at 1pm in Fremont wi. They are located on County H just north of town. Good food and good drinks will be available. Tiffany the manager says they will have door prizes as well. Good day to take a drive and stop by, meet the new owner.

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Posted 3/7/2014 3:59 PM (#111416 - in reply to #111412)
Subject: RE: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 1314

Location: Menasha, WI
Get out there and chisel some ice, Denny. I have vacation the last week in March and was planning on fishing all week.
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Posted 3/10/2014 2:56 PM (#111432 - in reply to #111416)
Subject: RE: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
I don't know if this means anything yet but we are working on our docks and one guy just put his whole leg in where we have been safe all along. The currents are picking up.
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Posted 3/17/2014 11:19 AM (#111472 - in reply to #111015)
Subject: Re: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 6

Extended forcast does not look good for the river being out by April 1st... My guess River will not be open with the current forcast untill 2nd week of April..
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Posted 3/17/2014 2:45 PM (#111474 - in reply to #111472)
Subject: Re: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
Here is a fact. A friend was snowmobiling 2 bends up from the little wolf on sunday when he went through in 3 places. He was on the snowmobile path. Current is wittling away in certain areas. The currents are stronger than one thinks. But I agree, it needs to warm up.
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Rich S
Posted 3/20/2014 10:29 AM (#111481 - in reply to #111474)
Subject: Re: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2300

Location: Berlin
The fox is opening up by my house big time
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Posted 3/20/2014 1:08 PM (#111482 - in reply to #111481)
Subject: Re: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
Here is a shot from Gills this morning and 2 in Fremont. She is working.

11 days and a wake up.

Want to hear some local lore? It states that when the Waupaca river opens up it will be 10 days and the wolf will bust up as well. The Waupaca opened up wide on the 19th. Hmmmmm.....

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Posted 3/25/2014 9:12 AM (#111511 - in reply to #111482)
Subject: Re: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
5 days and a wake up. With this cool down, I don't know. I do know that this weekend will be far fetched. Lets see what happens with the rain that is coming. The river wants to open.
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Posted 3/27/2014 2:05 PM (#111532 - in reply to #111511)
Subject: Re: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
4 days and a wake up. man she wants to go. It gets uglier everyday. The sleet last night dropped a lot of water on it. It is so dark here now it looks like it is 6pm. if we get a good rain, I think we will be on schedule.

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Posted 3/31/2014 10:05 AM (#111553 - in reply to #111532)
Subject: Re: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
OK, Looks like we may have just about nailed it. The whole shoreline is pulling out and crashing down river from Fort Fremont. All we need is a wake up to ground zero, april 1st. The ice is moving at gills. here are some pictures. I will be checking out the river on Wednesday. Thursday I will give you a report.

After that report I will be putting reports on the Fremont Chamber of Commerce website at www.travelfremont.com


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Posted 3/31/2014 10:35 AM (#111554 - in reply to #111553)
Subject: Re: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 1314

Location: Menasha, WI
The NWS projects the river to rise another 2 feet in the next 7 days. That should get the current rolling and flood the marshes well. With the forecast temps over the next week, the spawn should be on in 10 days or so.


Is there a specific level at which the implement the no wake? If it's at the action stage (above 8 feet), then the season might open under a no wake.
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Posted 3/31/2014 11:08 AM (#111555 - in reply to #111554)
Subject: Re: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
Viking - 3/31/2014 10:35 AM

Is there a specific level at which the implement the no wake? If it's at the action stage (above 8 feet), then the season might open under a no wake.

Here is the Waupaca county emergency services written Rules. There is also a town of Wolf River marker by chicos landing that they use for Winnebago county waters.

Flood Emergency means when waters of the Wolf River exceed elevation 757.0 as based up in the USGS bench mark or 9.0 feet on the scale near the concrete wall by the corner of the Pearl Street Bridge in the City of New London and/or the Waupaca County Emergency Government Director determines conditions warrant declaring a flood emergency.
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Posted 4/1/2014 9:37 AM (#111559 - in reply to #111555)
Subject: Re: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
well, I guess I don't need to wait till Thursday. I am calling it out ice out from gills down. The wind has all but eaten the remaining flows from Gills through fremont. That is not to say that ice bergs are not there or you will encounter a jam as up river ice starts down, but for all practical purposes, let the run begin.


By the way, we nailed it. First time.

Edited by stacker 4/1/2014 9:38 AM
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Posted 4/1/2014 12:49 PM (#111562 - in reply to #111559)
Subject: Re: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 1314

Location: Menasha, WI
FYI: There are photos on another site of a major ice pile up at Hahn's/Chico's and down river from there.
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Posted 4/1/2014 1:31 PM (#111563 - in reply to #111562)
Subject: Re: Ice out count down 2014


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
That's a great point Viking. I just went to Fremont and there is ice piling up at the old bridge. Be careful out there. The water temps are near freezing.

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