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Walleye Fishing -> General Discussion -> Hey Capt. Dan any Saginaw Bay reports?
Message Subject: Hey Capt. Dan any Saginaw Bay reports?
Rob Stratton
Posted 6/8/2004 3:05 PM (#19265)
Subject: Hey Capt. Dan any Saginaw Bay reports?

Hey Dan,
Thinking about getting up to the bay this weekend, been doing any good?
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walleye express
Posted 6/8/2004 3:25 PM (#19267 - in reply to #19265)
Subject: RE: Hey Capt. Dan any Saginaw Bay reports?


Posts: 2680

Location: Essexville, MI./Saginaw Bay.

Heres the report below that I sent out to Franks Great Outdoors and the others today. Also, more skinny on my Berkley Gulp post below as well.

Hey, Gang.

Not a whole lot of new news to report about the Bay. Unsettled and fast weather patterns still has you poking and hoping for the right weather conditions when your schedule allows you to get out. Still lots of fish hanging around in the shallower waters off Pinconning Bar with bigger candidates being caught out in the deeper reaches towards the shipping channel. Plastics and spoons are starting to take a bigger portion of the fish being caught recently. I recently had some good luck pulling both together on my side of the world (East side of the Bay) fishing the slot in 14 to 16 FOW, near and between Fish Point and the Masiou Islands.

I start out by attaching and letting out a Dave's Ka/Boom Winning Streak. And then adding a spoon slider on a pre-rigged 3' leader that slides down the line, stops at the Speed Bead stopper 30" above the Winning Streak, and works just above and behind the Streak a little in the water column. Later in the season when and if the walleyes get even more finicky, I'll add my own invention with a crawler that I call the spoon harness rig. This also slides down the line to run just above and behind the Winning Streak. This allows me to run both meat and plastic at the same time on the same line. Tricky, HUH?

Another new product that surprised the heck out of me last Friday (6-04-04) when we went out, was the Berkley Gulp Worms. For a while we strictly switched over to the meat trolling program, and I caught 4 nice walleyes on the same one of these stinky nightcrawler look-a-likes. And talk about being fooled. These walleyes virtually buried the Inline boards when they hit these stinky biodegradables. I'm posting some pictures from last Friday which include my limit that I took home from our catch. Unlike last year, I have a good feeling about what the trolling bite is going to produce this summer on the Saginaw Bay. I know we have lots of new walleye mouths to feed after last years great natural and pond-raised reproduction plants. The fish we caught Friday we not skinny by any means, but sure did hit like they were awful hungry. I hope they stay that way all summer.

Don't have a boat of your own? Or looking to learn some new trolling tricks for catching more walleyes? I still got some great weekend charter dates open. Got a boat and know all the tricks!!! Get thy Butt out there and catch some fish. Talk at ya again soon....Capt: Dan.

Edited by walleye express 6/8/2004 3:33 PM

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Rob Stratton
Posted 6/9/2004 5:29 PM (#19333 - in reply to #19265)
Subject: RE: Hey Capt. Dan any Saginaw Bay reports?


Posts: 171

Thanks alot Dan, you are a plethera of information! ps. (that means alot!)
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