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Walleye Fishing -> General Discussion -> Erie - Lorain Sat June 19 WBSA Open Tournament
Message Subject: Erie - Lorain Sat June 19 WBSA Open Tournament
Posted 5/26/2004 12:37 PM (#18569)
Subject: Erie - Lorain Sat June 19 WBSA Open Tournament

2004 Western Basin Sportfishing Assoc. Walleye Tournament

June 19th Black River Launch Lorain OH 7:30 AM

(Blow date June 20th)

Registration will be open on Friday June 18th from 5 to 7 PM and on Saturday June 19th from 5:30 to 7 AM. All boats must be registered and inspected Saturday morning by 7 AM to receive boat number. All registration and inspections will be done at the Black River Launch. The rules meeting will be via the radio at 7:20 AM with the take off immediately afterwards.

Weigh in will be at 3:30 PM. There will be a check boat at the light house and all boats must be past the check in boat by 3:30 PM. Any boat that does not check in will not be eligible to weigh fish.


All boats must have all required USCG safety equipment including a VHF Radio.

All boats must have liability insurance.

Channel 80 will be the official tournament channel and will be used for takeoff and check in.

Winners will be determined by WEIGHT of the 5 biggest walleye per team.

Length of single largest walleye breaks all ties.

Big fish winners by weight of single largest walleye. Only 1 fish per team eligible.

Any legal means of fishing permitted.

6 rod limit per team no matter number on team. If there are less then 3 members then state law of 2 rods per person.

Only registered contestants are allowed to be on the boat and fish.

There is no dead fish penalty. Fish do not need to be kept in a live well.

Competitors must not come in contact with any other boat during tournament hours.

Exception: If a competitor’s boat breaks down – another competitor MAY bring their fish to the weighin and assist with a tow. Any disabled boat must notify tournament officials by phone/radio

Fish must not be combined between teams.

All decisions of the tournament committee shall be final – cheating of any kind will not be tolerated.

All teams receiving prizes must share explanations of techniques and locations (learning is a main goal of this club!)

A great opportunity to come out and have a good time fishing Lake Erie and learn about the newly formed Western Basin Sportfishing Assoc.

For more information or to request an entry form contact any of the tournament committee members:

Steve Carlson [email protected] Phone 330 697-1499

Matt Davis [email protected] Phone 419-834-3619

Gary Zart [email protected] Phone 216-849-4954

Dick Chicoine [email protected] Phone 419-679-0033

· 80% pay back to 15% of the field

· Big fish pay back is 100%

· No limit on team size (6 rod limit)

· Entry fee is $150 per team (launch fee included as the club will pay for this)

· Big Fish pot is optional and is $25 per team

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Posted 5/28/2004 8:38 AM (#18670 - in reply to #18569)
Subject: RE: Erie - Lorain Sat June 19 WBSA Open Tournament

Location: Rhinelander
Please keep us posted with results, and I suggest you cut and paste this to the Calendar section of the site!
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Posted 5/28/2004 8:59 AM (#18676 - in reply to #18569)
Subject: RE: Erie - Lorain Sat June 19 WBSA Open Tournament

Thanks for the suggestion on the Calendar section - hadn't noticed that before. Nice site you have here.
I'll be sure to include Walleye First on the distribution list for updates and results.

This is a fundraiser for our non-profit club started this year. Social club with projects such as take a kid/veteran fishing in the works.
Steve Carlson - FreeByrd
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Posted 6/8/2004 9:04 AM (#19247 - in reply to #18569)
Subject: RE: Erie - Lorain Sat June 19 WBSA Open Tournament

Bumping this up top.

$$$$$NOTE$$$$ CASH ONLY EVENT - no checks.

Fishing is good close to Lorain and should stay that way between now and the tournament.

The 14th Street Black River launch site is a very nice facility with plenty of deep water. 6 ramps. We plan to do the boat/livewell/cooler inspections for those that are trailering while the boat is still on the trailer. For those that plan to come to the takeoff site by water in bigger boats, there are 6 courtesy docks that we will have to take turns using to handle registration and boat/cooler/livewell inspections. Monitor channel 80 on your radios and someone will direct you when to come in. We will also review the rules over the radio on channel 80. After you receive your team number and have been inspected, idle out into the river and stage out there - similar to what we did for the Huron Boosters tournament prior to takeoff. We will get lined up in boat number order and idle out the river - no passing in the river and note we will be going past the Lorain Coast Guard station. We will proceed out the river using the WEST channel entrance by the lighthouse. No passing until we get past the lighthouse and lets get the boats spaced out more than we did in Huron to have the takeoff a bit more under control. We will announce the boat number when you can takeoff. Stay at idle until your number is called. We will have a checkin boat stationed near the lighthouse which you must show your number to and get checked off and get confirmation from the checkin boat by radio on channel 80 that you are checked in and also advise them how many fish you will be weighing. Proceed up the river - again remember it is no wake up the river and you will pass the Coast Guard station and possibly Harbor Patrol. For the teams trailering go ahead and put your boat on the trailer and we will begin weighing fish. For the teams that are coming by water it would be helpful if you had a cooler that you could put the 5 fish you plan to weigh (and ONLY the 5 you plan to weigh) in a cooler - and drop off one team member with your cooler at the courtesy docks. If you are docked locally in Lorain, you can take your boat back to your dock and return to the launch site by car if you wish. There are a few boats I know of that plan to come in from farther away so we will try to save space for you at the courtesy docks. For those teams that are coming by water - it would make everything go smoother if you can send one team member to handle the registration paperwork and payment by car either the night before or the mornign of the tournament - you could pick up that team member at the courtesy dock if that works for you in the morning. If you are planning to come by water please either post on here or contact me via email or cell phone so I can get an idea of how many to expect via water. If we have a lot more teams coming by water than I anticipate we can try to work something out with one of the local marinas for temporary dockspace.

Call / Post / Email any questions.

Steve Carlson
[email protected]
330 697 1499 cell
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Posted 6/9/2004 10:49 AM (#19303 - in reply to #19247)
Subject: RE: Erie - Lorain Sat June 19 WBSA Open Tournament

Location: Rhinelander
Thank you, sir, we will be watching for reports from the tournament.
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Posted 6/11/2004 1:09 PM (#19413 - in reply to #19303)
Subject: RE: Erie - Lorain Sat June 19 WBSA Open Tournament

Bumping this up top.
Several local companies have made some nice prize donations so we will have some nice prizes in addition to the Cash. Anyone interested in this event on Lake Erie give me a call or email or post here. This should be a fun event - get your fishing buddies of better yet your family together for the day as there is no limit on the number of people onboard - just limiting it to 6 rods max (or 4 if you only have 2 onboard per Ohio Law).

Steve Carlson
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