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Walleye Fishing -> General Discussion -> seven strand on a spinner rig?
Message Subject: seven strand on a spinner rig?
Posted 6/8/2005 8:12 AM (#33188)
Subject: seven strand on a spinner rig?

Location: Rhinelander
I'm heading up to the Goon in 4 weeks, and would like to pull spinners/crawlers for the HUGE 'eyes in the shallower water there. I'm thinking about making a 'leader' that will knot to the fluoro lead out of 30# sevenstrand because of the numerous pike in the system. It's nearly impossible to fish there, even in 40 feet, without catching pike, and I'd go through rigs like mad. Anyone ever do anything like this?
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Posted 6/8/2005 8:19 AM (#33189 - in reply to #33188)
Subject: RE: seven strand on a spinner rig?


Posts: 794

Location: Elgin, Illinois
Steve... you can tie up spinner rigs on 12-16 inch steel (I use 20lb black leader). Small loop and a crimp for the back hook (I use a red treble)... second hook is held between two crimp ons... then beads and spinner like mono and a swivel at the top...
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Posted 6/8/2005 8:35 AM (#33191 - in reply to #33188)
Subject: RE: seven strand on a spinner rig?


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin

Why not try a higher pound test PowerPro leader for the harnesses. I'd try a minimum of 20 pound. You'll still get a few bite offs but nothing like you would with mono. I also think that you would spooks fewer fish and still keep the necessary action.
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Posted 6/8/2005 10:47 AM (#33196 - in reply to #33188)
Subject: RE: seven strand on a spinner rig?

Steve, look in the threads, there is a guy out east that makes an awesome rig that our buddy was promoting heavily a while back. These spinners are made with mono and steel in the 20-40# leader size.
Good Luck
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walleye express
Posted 6/8/2005 11:06 AM (#33197 - in reply to #33196)
Subject: RE: seven strand on a spinner rig?


Posts: 2680

Location: Essexville, MI./Saginaw Bay.

7 strand 20 pound coated wire is what I use to make my spoon harness rigs with. It's surprisingly soft, nimble, strong and ties great knots with little line memory. I know it works great for walleyes and would kick the crap out of any pike swimming, as long as he wasn't repeatably sawing on the line.

Edited by walleye express 6/8/2005 11:08 AM
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Posted 6/8/2005 12:21 PM (#33198 - in reply to #33197)
Subject: RE: seven strand on a spinner rig?


Posts: 3899

I think WE has the right plan. You don't have to worry about spooking fish in that water, as it has a permanent suspension of clay in it!
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