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Regional Walleye Fishing -> Mississippi River -> Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?
Message Subject: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?
Drop Tine
Posted 4/21/2009 11:28 AM (#80536)
Subject: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 68

Just curious what you guys would deem too much for a 100% payback side pot per team? Is $20 the limit ($10 each guy), or would you be willing to go up to $40 ($20 each) or $50 ($25 each guy)???? Just polling what tournament guys really think is acceptable or excessive with todays expenses.

i.e. (30 boat field) - $600, $1,200, or $1,500???

Thanks for your feedback!

Edited by Osprey 4/21/2009 11:30 AM
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GNWC Rookie
Posted 4/21/2009 12:14 PM (#80538 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: RE: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 625

Location: LaCrosse, WI
$20 is pretty standard, but I would probably do $40 depending on the size of the tourney and entry fee. I don't know if I'd do a $50 big fish pot for a $50 entry, but I would do a $50 big fish pot on a $200 entry.
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Drop Tine
Posted 4/21/2009 1:34 PM (#80544 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 68

Since we're on the entry fee topic, what is an acceptable amount for two guys (team) for a two day event? Keep in mind we want new young talent to participate too and not price some rookie or local talent out of fishing it. Also, what pools would you really like to fish and what time of of year?

Edited by Osprey 4/21/2009 1:42 PM
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GNWC Rookie
Posted 4/21/2009 1:58 PM (#80546 - in reply to #80544)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 625

Location: LaCrosse, WI
I would think for a 2 day event $200 should be pretty doable, most guys are willing to spend $50 each ($100 per team for a one day event like Catfish Days) so I would think $200 would be do-able even $150 if you wanted to try to get a few more teams that were on the fence..

The best draw locally would likely need to include pool 9, or go north towards Red Wing. Personally, I like the idea of 7,8, and 9 all in one event. This gives the field a lot to choose from.

5A 6 and 7 also offer a lot as far as variety, and may draw more anglers from the Winona area too. There are a lot of times during the year that we could use more tournies here. We have a few in the spring, and only some local events during the summer. Fall is really overlooked here. I'd personally like either Mid Summer or Late October.

You could really drum up a lot of competitors for a fall or summer event if you had someone passing out info at Stoddard, Catfish Days, and Fountain city.
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Posted 4/22/2009 9:57 AM (#80572 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 105

Mid to late summer is bad for walleye. Water temps approaching mid 70s! Hard on the fish. I believe that is why the Tremp tourney is a kill tourney. Mid to late Sept it is getting better. Water cooling and fish are turning back on. Mid to late summer, the pools turn into the dead seas as well. Fish are hard to come buy but there are some to be caught still. As a walleye tournament fisherman, I would not fish another tourney during the heat of the summer on the river, especially if it was another kill tourney.

Oh, 1 Day tourney, no more than $200. 2 Day tourney - $200-$350.


Edited by tolden 4/22/2009 9:59 AM
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Drop Tine
Posted 4/22/2009 12:37 PM (#80579 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 68

Yep, I think 2-3 in the Spring up until June and one in September would be best. The kill rule is on June 1 through August 31st on walleye. I guess you can have a voluntary release event, but statistically release rates are not very good and neither is the negative - yet less informed press. We all learned that lesson hard when the RCL was going to come here a few years back. The new regs are getting tighter, but there is much room for impovement for the local walleye tourney scene. Would you prefer a one or two day event? Personally, the luck factor and strategy becomes more of a factor in a two day event, plus it helps support the local economy (gas stations, motels, restraunts, and bait shops) more in the two day format. The one day events are however more family oriented- what do you think?

I believe a 2 day event, - one in the end of March, One this past weekend prior as a prefish weekend to Stoddard, and another in late May, and then Mid September would be perfect. $200 per boat, $50 big fish pot, $25 yearly Membership Fee (covers operating expenses), and payback would be limited to the top five teams if 30 fished to ensure good worth while payouts. Pools will range from 5 to 9 and change yearly upon permit issues. Please give me your honest and constructive feedback.

How many boats would it draw?- I need a headcount. Also, anyone have any potential sponsor contacts of yours willing to step up?

email me: [email protected]

Edited by Osprey 4/22/2009 12:57 PM
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GNWC Rookie
Posted 4/22/2009 1:13 PM (#80582 - in reply to #80579)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 625

Location: LaCrosse, WI

I've wanted to start up a club like the bass guys do locally. I would think that would be a help. I also may have contacts for scales and weigh containers to use. I would think you could get almost all the WAT guys, but also be able to bring in new blood. That's why I think the $200 range would help.

There's a lot of people that don't fish WAT events because it's the same 10 teams all the time. I know that's not the best reason, but I hear it all the time. I think you would need to find a way to keep fresh faces around so that same thought process doesn't happen.

Another factor is, trying to figure out when anglers will allready be traveling. May and June can take away a lot of guys who fish events on Pepin, Winnebago, and Green Bay. Those are the peak months for those bodies of water.

Shoot me an email if you want to talk about the scales and stuff. Also, about the possibility of a club that hosts the events.


[email protected]
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Posted 4/22/2009 2:14 PM (#80583 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 105

I hated it when the WAT quit fishing out of Trempeleau. I know the on the IDA side the tournament run out of Everts resort on pool 4 want to expand and bring tourneys down this way, but they need help getting them run down here. I would love to see a walleye trail run from pool on the pools from 11 up to 4. I know Tuna in Genoa at one time was looking to start a trial. He has tanks and scale already. Out of the masonry bussiness now, he might be up to it or help organize on tournament out of the Genoa area?

The WAT seems to run too far south too early in the year. Your always in for HIGH water down there. I think they would be better off with a tourney down there in Late May or early June.

If there is some real strong interest in a tourney trail here on up, I would definately talk to the staff on the IDA web site. Maybe join forces for two tourneys down this way and two up there? I would bet you would draw more than the WAT on that trail.

Same ten teams? More like 15-17 each year with staglers. But the tourneys up here always draw the most teams. Why would someone not fish the WAT because the same team are in it from year to year? Doesn't make sense to me. Or is it they think those teams are too good to compete against? I use to think that as well, but not anymore. Yes there are some very good anglers in the trail but even they have rough days and someone has to win. Heck why not me?
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Drop Tine
Posted 4/22/2009 3:33 PM (#80586 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 68

Thanks for the feedback guys and I need some insight from other tourney guys out there as well, so direct them here to express their viewpoints- especially the IDO contibutors like Jarrad F. Jarrad fished one of my first events a few years ago in Alma and still asks me about doing it again. I've already had something simmering for a while - over 1 year (still in it's infant stages) but the timing for release is very important. I will know more soon once the ink is dry. If it rolls out as I hope I will certainly let you all know. Volunteers are my biggest hurdle to make it all run slick and if anyone wants to step forward and help (web admin., boat checks, scales, ect.) I think my wife and I can get it going without too much issue. Good, dependable, and not mention early risers are sometimes difficult to find. I do agree with both of you that diversity is critical for the long life of the circuit. Unfortunately, as with everything else going up so are trail operating expenses. If the anglers can keep this in mind, and understand this; the trail will susceed and prosper.

Edited by Osprey 4/22/2009 3:45 PM
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GNWC Rookie
Posted 4/22/2009 4:04 PM (#80588 - in reply to #80586)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 625

Location: LaCrosse, WI
Like I said, I don't agree that the statement holds water. I haven't fished any WAT events, mostlly because I limit the amount of tournies I do every year to a specific amount, and the last few years have had me doing the FLW Walleye League, and some others. I may jump in a few this year.

I know a good number of guys that fish it, and agree there are some good sticks, I'm just realaying statements that I've heard.
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Drop Tine
Posted 4/24/2009 9:19 AM (#80649 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 68

No circuit is perfect, and the WAT has a long history of providing good walleye tournments to those participating- it should be just left at that.

I am considering Alma in March, Genoa in April, LaCrosse in May, and Trempealeau in September - it will all be dependent upon permit availability, but that will take advantage of the best bites per the pool so weights are solid.

I'd like your feedback.
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Posted 4/25/2009 7:03 PM (#80702 - in reply to #80649)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?

I personally don't like 2 days, need to be able to spend at least a day with the family to keep the fun filter happy. Even a single day, $150, plus $50 big fish payout 2 spots.
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Drop Tine
Posted 4/26/2009 7:59 AM (#80722 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 68

Ok, some of you want a one and some want a two day format. I need more feedback on this topic alone- please give me your feedback pros and cons. It seems to be split by those with or without families.
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Posted 4/27/2009 6:49 AM (#80789 - in reply to #80722)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 105

I beleive for the everyday local fishermen who does fish local tournaments and the occational trail event in the area would prefer the one day tournament. I think a trail with one day even would be more appealing to these fishermen and might draw a larger field because of this. I would fish it no matter what. Some of the best sticks on the river are just local fishermen who really don't want to fish an entire torurnament trail but just a couple that might be close to his home area/waters.

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GNWC Rookie
Posted 4/27/2009 7:42 AM (#80791 - in reply to #80789)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 625

Location: LaCrosse, WI
Here's one more idea, if you do a one day, maybe make it a Sunday event. There are a lot of people with limited vacation time and having that Saturday to pre-fish can be a big selling point. Personally, I'm ok with one day or two, Saturday or Sunday, but I think the new prospects may really appreciate this.
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Drop Tine
Posted 4/27/2009 10:46 AM (#80802 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 68

I have talked with a host of those who will be attending this event over the past weekend and they all agree with your comments. It may progress into two day events if interest is high enough and the trail is better established.

Currently- one day event on Sunday, Prefish up to 4:00 on Saturday with a pre-tourney meeting. Entry fee at $200 per boat ($100 per angler) plus additional side pot at $40 ($1,200 payout for big fish based on 30 boat field). Payout will be 5 places on a 30 boat field and more as we go over that number. If you are like me, you'd rather have a shot at making more than just winning back your entry fee- seems pretty logical.

I WILL be running this from a tournament angler's perspective. The fish will be HIGHEST priority with scales opening at 12:00 noon- I am NOT concerned with made for TV weigh-ins as some circuits do. I am a fisherman, running this for fishermen and to promote the resource and I hope we all work as a community of anglers to make this run smoothly. Initially, I may ask for contestant help to get things rolling along (set up/ take down/ boat checks/ launching). If we all take a little ownership we will get the commoradere we use to enjoy in the past and all make a little $$ to boot.

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Posted 4/27/2009 2:16 PM (#80805 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 105

Dale, I just posted our link here on IDO to get some input from the guys up on pool 4 to see what input they would have for us down here or getting this thing going. I believe we could get a really great river trail going here and will help out in anyway possible. I think we could also get some additional help from the guys up river too.
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Drop Tine
Posted 4/27/2009 2:48 PM (#80806 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 68

Yes, we hope to appeal to some of the northern teams especially from Winona, Wabasha, and Alma areas. If permits work as I hope we will be having an event on Pool 5 the last Sunday - March 28th. I'd really like to see Fluekingers, Tim Chick, Dave Bauer, Dan Christiansen, and the Jerowski's all take part as well as the pool 4 teams. I'd like to see them take part in the entire trail so they can experience some of the fishing in the southern pools too.
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Posted 4/27/2009 3:30 PM (#80809 - in reply to #80806)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 1991

Interesting, this would be worth checking out, Sunday would be nice.
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Posted 4/27/2009 3:54 PM (#80812 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: RE: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?

You might do better if you add the pool 4 tourney in March out of Everts Resort. There is one out of Everets every year called Freeze your butt and it does well in March. If you do Alma at that time and have pool 4 on the pools you can fish the lake could possibly have ice on it still like this year. I believe alot of teams would be interested from pool 4 if it is held out of Everets. I tried to get the WAT for years to come up this way but not sure if it is the competition that scares them off or what it might be. There are some very good sticks in pool 4. Lets get this rollin.
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Everts Resort
Posted 4/27/2009 4:36 PM (#80818 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: RE: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?

We host two traditional events that are held the first sat in March called Freeze your Butt, and a fall event the 3rd sat in Oct , A memorial outing Mark Rehberg Saugerama.

If we can be of any help just let us know!
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Pistol Pete
Posted 4/27/2009 5:20 PM (#80819 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: RE: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?

Hey Guys,

Great idea. A few thoughts.....definately no kill unlike the recent post mentioning the 60lbs of walleyes filleted. What the heck was that all about? Anyways, I favor a 2-day format since I am not a local and travel. I have fished in the WAT previously and was disappointed they went to a one day tourney. With 2 days, you are never out of it! $200 for a one day sounds right but could go higher for the two day. Consder charging a $10 per team fee to go towards a local conservation organization at the Tournament Directors choosing. Good PR and these groups need the help. If a one day, go with Saturday as weights always seem to be better before the fish get hit. Also use your anglers as a sounding board for locations, sponsorship, and any specific tournament rules. Good communication will keep your circuit going and growing! I understand your intent for attracting locals, but think of having one tourney off the Might Miss. Plenty of good walleye water and would be interesting to see how you river rats do elsewhere! Best of luck with moving forward.

Pete Jopke
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Mud Duck
Posted 4/27/2009 9:14 PM (#80830 - in reply to #80819)
Subject: RE: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 273

I like the idea of Sunday tourneys with Saturday pre-fish. A person doesn't have to use time off from work. Like the idea of spreading the tourneys over the different pools. They all have some similar characteristics but each are unique and present their own challenges. I only have experience on pools 4 through 7, but enjoy fishing all of them. Would probably make the trek west to fish a couple of them. When were you thinking you would get this going Dale?
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Nate Cadwell
Posted 4/27/2009 9:41 PM (#80833 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: RE: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?

I also love the Idea of a River Circuit, I know that I would fish them all if atleast one of them were on pool 3 or pool 4
hope you guys get this thing rolling I would be really interested in fishing them all.
Nate Cadwell
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Drop Tine
Posted 4/28/2009 9:43 AM (#80840 - in reply to #80536)
Subject: Re: Big Fish Side Pot......What would YOU pay?


Posts: 68

My largest hurdle is getting the WI permits on pool 4 in March and this is why I am giving the city of Alma a chance for some much needed exposure and tourism. I would also loose some teams from way south and think I may really struggle to get the pool 4 sticks to travel down to pool 9 on the next event. If I knew the level of commitment to the trail was there for the upper pool teams to commit to all the events and not just fish the first one, I would honestly consider it. I think I will give it a year or two and if the group is solid from the north to warrant going there pool 4 would be added as an event. As far as a reply to Mud Duck above, I am considering a Fall Open event on pools 6 and 7 in September and then rolling out the full trail in 2010. Wisconin permitting and new 2010 laws will be the determining factor. I hope you all keep a close eye on this forum to see the details as Zach has offered to let me use of this medium until we have enough revenue to establish a website. I certaily hope we can get a good showing from all cities up, down, and away from the river to build the best grass roots Mississippi River Circuit out there.

I hope you ALL can come and compete.
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