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Walleye Fishing -> Walleye Boats and Motors -> batteries
Message Subject: batteries
Posted 2/22/2011 5:11 PM (#96736)
Subject: batteries

I have the terrova i piolt and like using it for trolling was wondering what batteries would be the best for this its a 24 volt. Thanks
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Joe Okada
Posted 2/22/2011 8:34 PM (#96740 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: RE: batteries


I've used the D31's from Optima for the last 3 years and am really happy with them. Yes they're a bigger investment than typical lead acids up front but if you plan on keeping your boat for a couple seasons it's well worth it.

Regardless, using your 24v as your main source of trolling power will benefit from the biggest deep cycles you can fit in your compartment. Not sure how heavy your boat is but a good set of 31's will keep you going all day under average conditions.

Joe Okada
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Posted 2/23/2011 7:12 AM (#96742 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: Re: batteries


Posts: 1991

I will second Joes comments, the Optima D 31's would be a great choice, they are a bigger investment but they do hold up for many seasons and there is no maintenance involved. Try and fit the biggest you can get in to the battery compartmant, sometimes you may have to change out the tray.
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Posted 2/23/2011 9:56 AM (#96743 - in reply to #96742)
Subject: Re: batteries


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
I hate the Optima D 31's I bought last season and would be very happy to part with them for a financial loss. I should have stayed with Trojan's.
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Joe Okada
Posted 2/23/2011 11:08 AM (#96745 - in reply to #96743)
Subject: Re: batteries

Trojans are good batts too. I ran them through several boats before switching to Optima.

What issues did you have with your Optimas last season?
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Posted 2/23/2011 2:59 PM (#96750 - in reply to #96745)
Subject: Re: batteries

Dennis, get over to REMY on 43rd and Lincoln. Group 30 batteries, last long time, lots of power, way less than Trojans, and of course Optima's.
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Posted 2/23/2011 6:46 PM (#96753 - in reply to #96750)
Subject: Re: batteries

Shep u got a name brand for those batteries ? thanks , Terry
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Tommy Kemos
Posted 2/24/2011 8:12 AM (#96760 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: RE: batteries

Give me a call or shoot me a e-mail in regards to your batteries. I probably can help if you are having an issue. I have been running 31 series Optima's since 2003 without a single problem. Let me help you.
Tommy Kemos
(262)751-9625 or [email protected]
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Posted 2/24/2011 9:10 AM (#96761 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: Re: batteries


Posts: 1406

PUT IT OUT THERE DENNIS! Your experience was just crazy you deserved better results
Good Luck Tyee
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Posted 2/27/2011 10:46 AM (#96791 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: Re: batteries


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
Tommy I would like to publicly thank you for taking the time to personally contact me. A sign of a class act.
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Posted 2/28/2011 5:56 AM (#96799 - in reply to #96791)
Subject: Re: batteries

WOW ! I dont know who Tommy is but sounds like actuall customer service . Maybe i need to look into the optimas . Any advice on what for batteries i need for a 18prov with a 24v system and a 115opti and i like to listen to my radio . Only stating that because i killed my batteries twice last yr and i'm looking to replace all three. thanks , Terry
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Tommy Kemos
Posted 2/28/2011 7:38 AM (#96800 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: RE: batteries

Sunshine you are always welcome.
Terry as far as the set up on your Lund goes, there are a few different options for you.

For the start battery, you probably have a 24 series cranking batt. I recommend the 27m Optima as a replacement. The Optima's are dual purpose so not only do you get the cold cranking amps, you also get good reserve capacity. You will have to replace your battery tray to a 27 series tray.

In regards to your trolling motor, I will assume you have 27 series batt.s. You can either replace the existing batt.s with 27m's or my preference, for the best performance, would be the 31 series Optima's. The cool thing is the 31's fit right into the 27 series trays.
Tommy Kemos
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Tommy Skarlis
Posted 2/28/2011 11:55 AM (#96802 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: Re: batteries


Posts: 67

Tommy Kemos introduced me to the fine quality and the benefits of both Optima Batteries and St. Croix Rods - and I will echo the sentiments of Sunshine and Terry: Kemos is a class act! On a side note - he is the real deal when it comes to fishing as well!
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eye Lunker
Posted 2/28/2011 4:05 PM (#96809 - in reply to #96802)
Subject: Re: batteries


Posts: 859

Location: Appleton wi
Well since its seems everyone is done hugging and kissing here how about about sunshine share his experience with everyone since he chimmed in that he hated optima batteries, inquiring minds would like to know. Hopefully leon got his question answered. Thanks much
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Posted 2/28/2011 7:05 PM (#96813 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: Re: batteries


Posts: 650

I gotta say that your choice in Batteries is gonna be by what you have near you. I have a delco auto parts a few miles from my house and can get fresh delco voyagers on a short notice. I've used delco votagers for many years and never had a problem. that is after rough rides have broken straps and the back compartment was a 3 battery mess! I added an optima D31 for a cranking battery. very impressed with it... got me through a whole holiday weekend with the Alt. crapped out in the merc... easy to get from a car parts place. both places I drive by regularly. I am no where near any boat place... just a thought.
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Posted 2/28/2011 9:08 PM (#96815 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: Re: batteries


Posts: 397

Location: Badgerland
Terry where you located ? I have a set of four Optima 31's for sale, 3 with a half of a season and 1 brand new. In NE WI.

Edited by 620 2/28/2011 9:09 PM
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Posted 2/28/2011 9:21 PM (#96816 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: RE: batteries


Posts: 13

Lets do the math... I can buy six to nine "regular deep cycle batteries" to three optima batteries. So that means 9 years of use for the same price as optimas. Is it not true you only get approx. 5 years out of the optimax battery?
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Posted 2/28/2011 9:35 PM (#96817 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: Re: batteries


Posts: 397

Location: Badgerland
That's a good question, it don't matter what kind, I never took a chance and kept any brand for the third season. It's about performance on back to back to back days, not how many years they last.
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Tommy Kemos
Posted 3/1/2011 8:33 AM (#96819 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: RE: batteries

Another huge benefit of the Optima Battery is the fact that it is sealed and it does not gas like a lead acid battery. Who Cares? Corrosion on wiring in the battery compartment accounts for a whole lot of problems in the long run. When I open my battery compartment at the end of the season it looks like brand new.
I can go on and on if you want about the benefits of a spiral celled AGM battery.
Anyways, my contact info is out there for any of you that would like my assistance. Don't be shy! I have over 10 years of experience wrenching on boats.
Tommy Kemos
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Posted 3/2/2011 6:25 PM (#96872 - in reply to #96819)
Subject: RE: batteries

I live in Ohio and fish Erie as much as i can. I love that great big nasty girl and i hope my wife dosent read something into that !!! But last year while fishing out of Ashtabula and another day at Kellys i killed my starting battery . Not a big deal to jump start the batteries but i had my kids. I keep thinking what if the lake had turned rough and the time needed to jump start the batteries . Like i said i truely love Erie , however she has NO love for fools or the unprepared . When im on the lake i want no worries . Any info is truely appreciated , God bless and safe fishing , Terry
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Tommy Kemos
Posted 3/3/2011 8:08 AM (#96874 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: RE: batteries

You are right, that does not sound like a very good situation to be in. I do not know your boat or battery arrangement.
First of all, on today's boats we have so many accesories that we are asking the starting battery to do a lot more. I recommend a 27 to 31 series dual purpose battery. I run the 31 series Optima for my start battery. Depending on your set-up and the fact you are on the big water, a battery selector switch might be an option. I also have seen a low battery alarm that quickly installs and gives you a heads up before you have an issue.
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Posted 3/3/2011 11:08 AM (#96876 - in reply to #96874)
Subject: RE: batteries


Posts: 2445

Location: Fremont, Wisconsin
Just to make it perfectly clear to all who have been reading this thread. It is very common to have recommendations from people for the most expensive gear available. This does not always make this the best gear or the only GOOD gear on the market. I have been wrenching on boats for over 15 years and have found lead acid interstate batteries to do everything I have ever asked of them. I am not discounting anyones experience with there choosen battery, just telling you that you DO NOT need to spend twice as much money on a battery.
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Posted 3/3/2011 5:35 PM (#96880 - in reply to #96874)
Subject: RE: batteries

Tommy, I own a 18ft prov with a 115opti and a 9.9 kicker . The electronics are a hummingbird 998 , lowrance 4800 gps only , my weather radio ,and a CD player . I installed 3 new batteries last year all interstate batteries and the deep cycles hold up very well . The starting battery is a interstate 24M XHD 800 ca , and thats the battery that cant handle a full day of fishing . THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!! Terry PS The 9.9 can be a little cold blooded.
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Tommy Kemos
Posted 3/3/2011 6:21 PM (#96881 - in reply to #96736)
Subject: RE: batteries

I would upgrade that 24 series to a 27 or 31 series. You will have to change battery trays, but that is not that big of a deal. I always rig my boats with a 31 series dual purpose battery for the cranking battery.

And let me make myself clear so nobody gets their undies in a bundle. I have found that the Optima 31 series battery has met all of my needs. I am not telling you that there is no other battery. The Optima is my choice and I highly recommend it.

Basically you need more reserve capacity.

What year is that kicker?
Hope this helps,
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Posted 3/3/2011 7:18 PM (#96882 - in reply to #96881)
Subject: Re: batteries


Posts: 1991

Yep squeeze a 27 or 31 in there for a starting battery.
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